Fear Is An Emotion Indispensable For Survival

Chapter Five

We been walking through the mall for hours. But we split up but still walking through a mall. I was with Lilly and I guess Kim left with Brian and Zacky. I swear she glued on him. I know when you love someone she want to be with them 24/7 but with me…Man they going to have to back up. I need air to breath and space. You see some people need one person to keep them happy for the rest of their life and depend on. Me I don’t depend on people. Do things alone. I have and always will. I can be strong with a man by my side. I learn this from my father. But the only people he let in his life was my mother and me. He didn’t care about his family he actually ignored his family and lost touch. As for my mother she did also. I never knew who was aunts or uncles. Cousins and family friends…I never met any of them. But I don’t need someone to make me happy. I keep my head up and be the strong in depended women I am. So anyways back to the mall. I was completely board and hungry.

“Lilly I’m going to the food court.” I said getting up. Right now we were in a dress store. Since we decided to take professional pictures.

“Fine but we need to find something to wear.” Lilly said and walked out the store with me.

“So what are we going to get” Lilly asked we approached the food court.

“Well I want pizza” I said walked to the stand to order as Lilly walked with me. We order and they gave us our food and we sat down. Not noticing Brian and Kim and Zacky who just came into the food court.

“So what are you thinking of wearing Miss. Black and White.” Lilly said as she took a bite od her pizza

“You it’s either white or black dress.” I said

“Were are you going to take your pictures. I’m taking mines at the beach” Lilly said as she looked to her side and waved at some one.

“The only place where I take pictures” I said as I bite in to my pizza.

“Where that?” Kim said behind me and took a seat as well Brian and Zacky. I dug out my cell phone and looked through pictures of my mother and father of me young. I found a black and with picture me when I was 10 with a black dress and small trims of white and a black hat on my head and a black ball. You see my father only took black and white pictures. They were all old fashion. He took pictures earthier at the ‘Factory’ that was like a ghost town or at home next to the factory. Or were the well in the woods. In fat the background of this picture is a factory where my father did his work in and I have the keys to get in. All of my pictures looked depressing. And the black ball. In fact I still have that same ball back. It’s at Brian’s house in my suit case. I always cared that ball every where and still do. My mother and father bought it for me when I was Little since I had no one to play with.

I showed the picture to Kim.

“That the place” I said and took a drink of my coke

“That you when you was Little.” Kim said as she passed my phone to Brian and Zacky who was looking at me picture

“Yep” I said and took a bite of my pizza

“Not to be mean or anything but that a depressing” Brain said

“Oh you see the rest of her pictures. Very depressing. She has not even one picture where she smiles.” Lilly said

“You still look cute though” Zacky whisper in my ear.

“Oh don’t even get me started on that black ball.” Lilly said

“I know you have it you suit case” Lilly said to me

“She cares that damn ball every where” Kim mutter

“Ya’ll some haters” I said as a group of blond group of girls came to our table.

“Hi” one the girls said with a giggle

“We were wounding if you two wanted to watch a movie with us.” The head blond said seductively Zacky and Brian. Ooo Kim is pissed now.

“Bitch if you don’t-“ she was cut off by me laughing

“I’m sorry but come on. It’s funny when some chick think she’s the shit has the balls to come over here and ask someone out who all ready has a girlfriend and a guy who I don’t think want to get in her pants because she might have a STD.” I said

“Shut up no ones was even talking to you” The blond bitch who asked Brian and Zacky out

“Ooo girl you got her started you might well dig a hole.” Lilly said

“Yo you isn’t talking to me. I know you not because I’m not like your friends. “ I said and got up “I’ll beat the shit out of you turning you blue.” I said

“Oh yeah” the one who giggle said. And I just reacted. I punched her in the stomach make her bend over and took her head and slammed her head on me knee. Making get knocked out. Blond group looked shocked as they help the leader of the group. I picked up my stuff and throw it away.

“Lets go guys” I herd Kim’s voice as she made towards me and gabbed my hand and pulled me out the mall. Once out side she smiled.

“That was awesome” Brian said with a smile and Zacky nodded to agree with him and walked to me and grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. Lilly gave me a smirk.

“I don’t know if I should hug you something” Kim said with a smile

“How about we get the hell out of here” I said walked towards Zacky car

“See ya at home then” Kim yelled. As I got into Zacky’s car and as he fallowed my actions

“Where not going to Brian’s” Zacky said gave him a questionable look

“Why how come” I said

“Because you’re going to stay with me. Maybe even stay in my house for the rest of your stay here. Because I’m not taking back to Brian’s today” Zacky said with a smirk. Oh god what have I got myself into.