My Parents Hate Me... I Am Gay

Dustin is the middle child of Mr. and Mrs Harper. Both of them are extreme homophobes. They think beating their son half to death will change his ways. But Dustin keeps going on with his life in a void like nothing has happened. But when a new student called Jakob Hemming comes to his school he can't help but notice.
  1. Introduction
    How his family is.
  2. Principal
    Meeting the boy
  3. I Am Gay
    Telling the truth
  4. Situations?
    Lunch time =]
  5. Such a brutal beating.
    Another night in the Harper house.
  6. Collapsing.
    He never wanted this to happen.
  7. Salvation
    I just want to save you...
  8. Stop and stare.
    A face you can't stop looking at.
  9. A date with a surprise.
    Jakob is full of surprises.
  10. Taking a Shower.
    Being Ignored Hurts, Being rewarded feels better.
  11. The apple doesn't fall far from the brother.
    Everyone has their secrets.
  12. Let's have a sleepover.
    I just want to sleep in your arms.
  13. How much fun at four in the morning.
    He is all too serious.
  14. Let's get Ice Cream
    A brother is never short of compliments
  15. It all went wrong.
    Some words are bad.
  16. Let's get back together
    I just want to think of you.
  17. Losing a friend.
    I never thought it would be like this.
  18. Deception
    He did what was right, but he's getting treated wrong.
  19. It hurts.
    I want this to be over.
  20. Jakob's View.
    How he sees it.
  21. Hospital Trama
    Almost killed you
  22. First Time in Court.
    Your a little faggot too!
  23. Matters into my own hands
    Seven words
  24. My time on the stand...
    Fear envelopes all
  25. I can only try...
    Jakob wants to be with Dustin.
  26. Graduation
    Last Chapter