Tokio Hotel Starring in - The Breakfast Club!

Preview (prologue)

It was a Saturday morning that would change their lives forever. A day that will change stereotypes and even form a few new friendships.

A princess...

A nerd...

A jock...

A rebel...

And that shy kid that no one seems to really understand...

All of them are very different, yet they have one thing in common - they are stuck in a 6-hour Saturday-morning detention, with no way to get out of it.

There's Bill Kaulitz, the rich, high-classed snob with too much money and a bitchy attitude to match. Captain of the cheer leading squad, he is easily one of the most popular students in the school. Bill is gorgeous, and he knows it. But then there's the pressure to stay beautiful...

And then there is Gustav. He lives in a happy middle-classed family, and is the perfect child. Kind, nonviolent, and very smart, the smartest boy in school. But sometimes the pressure he has to be the brain that everyone expects him to be is very overwhelming.

Also present is Georg, captain of the football team. He is also very popular, and athletic. And a very good writer. But no one knows about the last part. Because football is the life that his father wants for him, so that is the life he has.

Tom Trumper is the rebel here. His mother is dead and his father is a drug addict, and so is he. Tom doesn't try hard to do his best, but he does try hard to do his worst. He is a waste of life, and he knows it. He comes from a very poor family, and therefore despises the rich, especially Bill. He's given up on life, and has no future. But he's accepted that.

And lastly is Andreas. Andreas is that shy kid that doesn't stand out very much. All he wants to do is make friends and get noticed, but he's way too shy to do that. So he's alone and forgotten, not only by other students, but by his own parents,too.

5 very different teenagers, who are about to see that their ideas about stereotypes, friendships, and life in general aren't as they seem.
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it's just an idea I had while watching The Breakfast Club. Before you assume anything, I'm not really copying off of TBC, just the main idea of the 5 stereotypes stuck in a Saturday morning detention. What they actually do in that detention is different, and all from my imagination =] so i take main ideas, but i'm not a complete copy cat. :P