A Love Worth Dying For

One Shot

The gorgeous night sky was illuminated by dozens of stars. Rain fell lightly against the panes of glass. The elegant sound of bow against string traveled throughout the country house. She sat in a dark room playing her violin as tears cascaded down her cheeks. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with the slender beams of moonlight peering through the black laced curtains.
The music came to a halt and she walked over to her dresser and opened her jewlery box. She pulled out a ring made of pure white gold with a jade stone at the center. Engraved in it were the words ' Rem and Elias, A love bound for eternity.'
Tears streamed down her face even more, for it was the anniversary of her beloved's death.
All that she had left of him was that ring and a faint memory that faded each passing day, just as the leaves of a tree in autumn.
Days of ecstasy are gone and forlorn has taken over. Lost in a torrent of animosity she desires to emancipate herself from her lonesome existence. As though her fragile soul was bound down by chains she searched for a key. A solution to her desolation and her anguish. Something in her essece was missing and it torn apart her soul day by day until she finally snapped. The sorrow she felt was too much to bare.
The very next day her body was discovered lying on the floor. Beside it was a letter, which was sealed with blood.
" I will follow you forever, My dearest love.
Though perceptions diminished
I never betrayed you even when you were no longer around.
Now my spirit will always be with yours.
This very thought alone, brings me true contentment.
~ Rem "
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Wrote this awhile back. Not very good.