So Many Reasons

Chapter 1: Drumming

I pulled up to Music World in my old beat up pickup-truck. I ripped the key out of the ignition and put my truck in park. I opened my door and climbed out of the truck, almost losing my balance. I grabbed onto the door to steady myself, then walked into the store. The man at the desk gretted me as I walked in, because I spent so much time here.
"Hey Layne," he said, and resumed reading what I assumed was a Playboy Magazine. I waved to him and pulled my iPod out of my 6661 sweatshirt pocket. I turned on Bat Country and played it extra loud. I made my way to the back of the store, passing all the people there. They all turned and stared at me. My black and blue hair waved as I spun around and turned to sit at a drumkit. It was a triple bass-drum kit.

Just like his.

I replayed Bat Country and began to play it on the kit.I closed my eyes and let the beat flow through me, twirling the sticks every now and then for an extra flare. I opened my eyes and noticed the mass of people watching me. I smiled to myself and continued to drum.

Drumming seems to be the only thing that makes sense anymore. It's been a almost two years since I've seen him. Almost two years since I got pregnant and almost two years since I lost the baby.

I took out all of my frustration on the drums. I had no one to talk to really because along with loosing him I lost all of my best friends. Sam, Sarah, Taylor and Tori. They were all involved with his friends. So when I ran away they didn't follow me for 1 I didn't tell them where I was going and 2 they were in love and I didn't want to take them away for that so I just left.

I had found out I was pregnant and I didn't want to ruin his life. I knew his lifestyle and a baby were just not right. He partied to much and he loved doing that I couldn't take that away from him I loved him to much to do that.

I closed my eyes again and finished up the song. I turned off my iPod and looked up slowly opening my eyes, I couldn't believe who was standing in from of me.

It was him.

"Jimmy!" I breathed out his name as I stared into his bright blue eyes.

"Savvy!" He whispered.

I nodded not being able to speak. He was really standing in front of me. He finally found me. It was bound to happen, I just wasn't expecting it to be like this.
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ok so tell me what yall think!?