Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio?

Don't Push

"It's okay, I told you it wouldn't hurt that much." He said as we walked out of the noisy house where people were partying and outside and into the chilly night.
"Here, let me walk you home." He slinged his arm around my shoulder. I had his jacket on, but it was still pretty cold.
We walked in silence. I could hear the noisy party fading in the distance.
What did I just do? It was just for kicks... it didn't mean anything to me or him, just that he took my virginity. We're just friends, and we'll always be just that. Teens have sex all of the time. It's no big deal... I mean, it did feel good at the end.

I looked up at the tall 17-year old. The moon was the only source of light. I could see his face though, the moon shinig down on him. His olive skin complimenting his black curly hair. And his eyes...his eyes were gorgeous, they were the most beautifullest shade of green. I could see some bead of sweat slowly slide down from his forehead, where his curls were plastered on. He had a straight-edge nose and dimples. I find his round face adorable, even though he was sweating. He looked distracted though, looking down at his feet.
"Can you not tell anyone about this, Jesse?" I asked him.
He looked down at me and stared, for a moment then replied.
"Umm, sure. I won't tell anyone. You can trust me, Menny." He said. In the dim light I saw him smile down at me.
I restd my head on his chest and kept walking in silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this is so short.
I just had to get this out right now. I'll proably update it tomorrow. No promises though.
Oh, and I think I'm gonna update this more than Paradise.
But if you read the authors note on chapter 4 od Paradise you'll know why I won't bee updating much in the next month.
hope you guys like this.

P.s. Rachel's not helping me with this one, I want to do my own thing, ya dig?
Commenting motivates me:D

P.P.S. I'm naming the chapters after songs from one of my favorite bands, so if you guess the band then send me the answer in a message and we'll discuss your prize