Status: Slight hiatus. Sorry guys, lots of homework.



We arrived at MacDonald’s in record time due to Frank’s insane driving. The guy had road rage, I would swear my life on it; he was a maniac.

He yelled and cussed at an old lady in the car beside us because she cut him off, with his window open too! So she heard every word of it. It was enough to make me sink down into my seat and want to put sunglasses on so people couldn’t recognize me in the car with this moron. Too bad I didn’t have any with me…

When Frank parked the car in an empty slot we both got out of the car and made our way inside, Frank going in first.

“What do you want?” he asked, standing on his toes so he could see the menu above the people’s in front of us heads. Short-ass.

“Nothing,” I replied, holding up a salad sandwich and an apple. I don’t think he noticed that I even had it because he looked at the food in my hands blankly.

“Dude. No way am I letting you eat that shit in my presence. Now tell me what you want.”

I stared at him, my mouth agape; he thought that my healthy lunch was shit?

“I said I’ve got my lunch. I’m eating this,” I said stubbornly.

He just raised an eyebrow at me, “Fine.”

I did a double take at his answer, “W-what?”

“I said fine,” he answered before turning away from me to order as we were now at the front of the line. Halfway through ordering his food he turned back to me, “Can you go and grab us a table?”

I nodded in reply and walked away, weaving through taken tables trying to spot an empty one. I saw one towards the back that only had two seats and I made my way towards it. Just before I sat down one of the workers dashed over and insisted wiping it down for me before I sat.

I looked at him funnily; the table was already clean, but I nodded anyway. I watched him spray, scrub and wipe the table furiously before he announced he was finished and he departed off to another table he probably wanted to clean. Sitting down, I unwrapped my sandwich waiting for Frank to finish ordering and come and sit with me.

When he finally arrived he had enough food for two.

“You’re going to eat all that?” I asked, dumbfounded.

He shook his head, “No, you’re gonna help me. Because one; there’s hardly anything on that sandwich and two; it’s all completely healthy.”

“That’s the point, dumbass. And I said I didn’t want any,” I huffed, frowning at him. He’s completely unreasonable and he ignores what I say. Great. Such a sure-fire way to piss me off.

“And I said you’re helping me eat this,” he retorted, like the smart-ass he is.

“I’m not eating any of it,” I replied tenaciously, taking a bite of my salad sandwich to prove my point.

Frank groaned, “Please! Don’t eat that kind of crap in front of me; it makes me sick.”

I took another bite, bigger than the first, just to spite him. After watching me in disgust as I took a few more bites he looked as if he’d finally had enough.

“Seriously, you can stop now. You’ve made me sick enough,” he complained, wrinkling his nose at me whilst shoving fries into his mouth. I put down the last half of my sandwich and wrapped it up.

“You’re stopping?” he asked incredulously around a mouthful of fries, so really it just came out like burbling. But I understood what he was trying to say…or at least I think he said that.

I shook my head, “No, I just don’t want anymore.”

“Come on. Just a few chips and then I’ll stop bugging you, promise,” he bargained with me, shoving the tray towards me. I looked down at it with slight annoyance but took a few.

I eyed them off with a little scepticism. “You’ll stop bugging me if I eat these, yeah?” I asked for clarification.

“And this burger,” he replied, “You know, because I can’t eat it all and it would be such a waste to just throw it out.”

“…I guess so.” I frowned, thinking of all the people in third world countries who don’t get any food at all and it would be cruel to waste the food. A little annoyed, I concluded that Frank was right.

“Good,” he stated, yet again around a mouthful of food.

We both sat and ate in silence, I didn’t mind though; I really didn’t want to see mushed up food spraying from Frank’s mouth because I’m sure that’s what would’ve happened if he’d tried to hold a conversation. At first I ate the fries and burger tentatively not liking the thought of eating such greasy, fattening food. But by the third bite all those thoughts were dismissed and I could only concentrate on eating it slowly because I just wanted to shove it in and swallow it whole. Why had I not eaten this stuff more often?

“Want a second helping there? Or do you need a bathroom?” Frank asked, laughing. I looked up, realizing he had finished and was watching me basically inhale my share of the food. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks and I ducked my head to hide it, my dark hair falling in front of my eyes.

“I’m good,” I reassured him quietly after swallowing my mouthful, feeling embarrassed for letting myself scoff the greasy burger down. Frank laughed and started to gather our rubbish.

“I’ve got the dishes tonight, honey,” he said sweetly, batting his eyelashes at me probably trying to be funny. I just stared at him, unamusement drawn all over my face. He wasn’t funny.

“Must you call me that?” I asked tiredly. He nodded in reply with a small snicker before turning on his heel to walk over to the bin. To say the least, he really pissed me off at times. When he finished ‘doing the dishes’ as he called it, he gestured for me to meet him in the car before walking over to the line in front of the counter again.

What the fuck? He’d just said he couldn’t finish a second burger and a few fries and now he was back in the line.

I shook my head but nevertheless walked out of the eatery and through the car park to the yellow car he had brought us in. I leaned against it wondering if the car was Frank’s, when I saw Jess walking across the car park. I think it would be fair to say that my mouth dropped…well a long way down.

I was so shocked because she wasn’t here on her own; she was with the new guy who, might I add, is a year older than her; I couldn’t believe my eyes. My instincts quickly kicked in and I ducked down beside the car, hiding me from her direct view. I racked my brain for the new guy’s name and immediately came up with one; Sam. All the girls had gone nuts over him. He was cool because he was a ‘scene kid’.

The car still hiding me, I watched her walk in the doors of MacDonald’s hand in hand with Sam, giggling her head off. I had to admit, I was hurt that she hadn’t told me about him. Or rather, her and him if that was the case. I remained in position contemplating what I’d just seen until Frank walked around the side of the car holding two sundaes drizzled with chocolate.

“What are you doing?” Frank asked me, obviously confused at my arrangement. I looked to the ground frantically, spotting a coin just in front of my right foot.

“Uh…I found a lucky coin on the ground?” I answered, although the way I had said it made it sound more like a question.

“Err…right.” Frank nodded, watching me as I stood back up, coin in hand. He passed me one of the sundaes in his hand and I threw him an appalled look.

“I thought I said I didn’t want any!” I exclaimed, the cold from the cup of ice-cream radiating through my hands.

“I don’t recall you saying you didn’t want a sundae. You just said you didn’t want any lunch,” he replied, the picture of innocence. I glared at him but nevertheless distractedly asked him if he had thought to bring two spoons, glancing at the time on my phone. He looked stumped for a moment before producing one spoon sheepishly.

“You have it,” Frank smiled, handing me the spoon and walking around the car to the driver’s side without another word. I followed suit and got into the passenger’s side, telling him to hurry because we had ten minutes before class started again.

“Yeah, yeah I hear you,” he grumbled, pulling out of the car park and onto the busy street. We sat in silence, both thinking deeply about our own things although we glanced at one another a few times. I had no idea what he was thinking about but I, personally, was still mulling over why Jess was having lunch with Sam; without telling me.

“Gerard, we’re here.”

I looked around, startled to be broken from my deep concentration, and sure enough we were back on school grounds. I smiled sheepishly but sceptically at Frank, “Thanks for actually getting me back on time.”

“What? Did you think I was going to hold you hostage and make you skip class or something?” he asked in mock offence.

“No…of course not,” I muttered, getting out of the car quickly. I started rushing towards the school buildings leaving Frank at the car. Realizing what I’d just done I paused, turning back towards Frank, he was watching me with a hurt expression.

“I’m sorry,” I shouted across the car park, so he could hear me, “I have to go though; it’s really urgent. I’ll explain later. Thanks for lunch!”

And with those words I dashed away, leaving Frank speechless and confused at my sudden departure. I really was sorry; I always seemed to be ‘explaining things later’ with him. I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten bored or sick of me yet, I’m not that interesting. He was probably wondering what was so important, but I wasn’t so sure that he would be impressed by my answer.

I was going to be late for Advanced Maths if I hadn’t left him. That and the fact I wanted to talk to Ray about seeing Jess and Sam together at MacDonald’s.

If he’s not satisfied with my answer then he can just go jump off a bridge. He’s a selfish prick anyway. He may be interesting at times but I still thought he was a moron.

I don’t think that’s going to stop me from going to see him later to explain why I left in such a hurry though.