
Character Descriptions

Matthew Kaden Darius Jr.
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 12
Father: Matt Sanders
Personality: doesn't take shit from people, he may be young but he's strong and cares for his friends deeply. He is the leader of his group of friends. Loves Music and anything to do with it. He's sort of a trouble maker ever since he was born. Even though he doesn't show it a lot he's sweet and caring.Just like his friends he's different than most kids his age. He likes to dress in dark colors and wears eye liner.

Bridget Cathrine Black
Hair: Brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 12
Father: Brian Haner
Personality: She's shy around new people but once you get to know her she's wild and likes to have fun. She's loves music and doesn't like to get into peoples way. She loves dark colors and wears dark make up.

Zander Derek Carlson
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Age: 12
Father: Zacky Baker
Personality: He's fun and hyper. He loves his friends and would do anything for them. He's sweet when you get to know him but if you don't he comes off like a jackass jerk. He likes to try new things and is always there for his friends. Just like Matt Jr. he wears dark colors and eye liner. He loves music.

Jack Andrew Parker
Hair: Dyed blond on the top and black underneath.
Eyes: Blue
Age: 12
Father: Johnny Seward
Personality: He is weired and is proud that he's different, in fact he goes out of his way to be different. He hates people who are fakes and lyes to his face. He can get violent if you mess with him. He loves his friends like they were his family and is always ready to have fun and party. Wears dark colors and eye liner.


Jamie Marie Larks
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 12
Father: James Sullivan
Personality: She's hyper and crazy. She hates awkward silences and is very loud for a girl her age. She hates people who say anything against her or her friends. Shes the type of friend who would plan a prank to get back at someone if they hurt her friends. She loves to wear dark colors and hates to be labeled.
The picture was the closest I could find to her look.
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This is how they look i hope you like it!

Over and out Capitan!!!