
Panicking Fathers

“Who was that?” asked my dad as soon I set foot threw the door. “A friend” I answered simply. “Oh really and why was he walking you all the way up to the door? Where did you meet him? Where does he live?” he bombarded me with questions.

“Dad he’s a kid from my class okay? He was walking in the same direction so we decided to walk together” I said. He was about to say something when Michelle intervened. “A boy?” she said with excitement. I rolled my eyes, “He’s just a guy from my class that I walked home with” I said. She cocked an eyebrow at me, “Is he cute?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders and started walking upstairs. I wasn’t going to hear the last of this.

Michelle’s P.O.V

I watched as Bridget made her fast getaway upstairs. I giggled and turned my attention to Brian who was pacing the living room talking to him self and looking pissed. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked. He abruptly stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. “What?” I asked again.

“I saw the way he was looking at her” is all he said before pacing again. “Brian he’s 12 years old and she said that he was a friend from class” I said trying to talk some reason to him. “Oh, I saw how he was looking at her and he has more than friendship on his mind” I laughed at him. He was being so ridiculous. “Brian… he’s 12” I said.

“Ya well I remember what being 12 was like and that’s what I’m worried about” he said before pacing again. I rolled my eyes, “We’re going to have to start picking her up from school” he said randomly. I looked at him in shock. “No we aren’t” I said standing in front of him. “She’s a kid and it’s just a little puppy love so until we see him actually do something to worry about we are doing nothing. Got it” I yelled at him. He just huffed and sat on the couch.

Brian’s P.O.V

Michelle was being really unreasonable and hard headed. I needed to talk to people who would actually see it from my point of view. I walked into Jimmy’s house to find all the guys in the back drinking beers. I grabbed one from the fridge and took a long swing. I went out back and immediately Matt knew something was wrong. “What the fucks wrong with you?” he said as I dropped myself in the seat right next to Jimmy. “Why the hell didn’t Matt walk Bridget home?” I snapped at him.

He looked taken aback. “He was in detention. Why?” he asked. “Because a boy walked Bridget home” I yelled. Jimmy gasped and the rest of the guys looked at me like I was crazy. “So… what’s the big deal?” said Johnny. “Don’t you get it?” said Jimmy. “No” said Zacky. “Who is this kid?” asked Jimmy. “I don’t know just a kid from Bridget’s class” I said. “Jamie was talking to Bridget earlier today on the phone and they were both talking about how cute he is” said Jimmy mortified.

“I still don’t get what you guys are worked up over” said Matt. Jimmy and I gave him a look, “You don’t have daughters so you wouldn’t understand” I said. “Ya, I mean just imagine you had a daughter and she was your little girl and one day boys start calling you in the middle of the night to talk to her” said Jimmy. “Or even worse…imagine what you did with girls happing to your daughter” I said.

The guys all visibly shivered in disgust. “Okay I see your point” said Zacky. “Oh my god what the hell am I going to do if Val and I have more kids and they turn out to be girls?” said Matt panicking slightly.

“I don’t know but if I see this kid getting friendly with my daughter he’s going to be eating threw a straw for the rest of his life” I said venomously. “Same here if any guys get to friendly with Jamie it will be the last thing they do” said Jimmy. We all sat in silence pondering the fates of the young boys who would cross our paths. “Val’s pregnant” said Matt.
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LOL can you imagine their faces right about now! Panicking fathers!
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Over and Out Captain!!!