
Gotta Find My Son

Matt’s P.O.V

I had traveled with the guys for over an hour and they were great. We had a lot in common from music to style and we all thought the same things were funny. After the buss had stopped we all got off. It had gotten dark by the time we got to our stop. Luckily my Aunt Kimmy’s house was only a few streets away. “Hey Matt I don’t feel good letting you walk all alone at night, just for my own peace of mind can we just see you into your aunts house” said Drake as he gave me a look. I sighed “Fine” I said as I led them to my aunts house.

It was a kind of shitty neighborhood but you got used to it after living in the area most of your life. We silently walked down my old street and past my old house that held precious memories of my old family. Sure I still had the guys but it was different when you lived in the same house and ate breakfast with each other every morning. I glanced at the house for a second before tearing my gaze away from it. I wouldn’t allow my self to get caught up in old times.

We walked a little more before got to Aunt Kimmy’s house. It would be good to see Abby again. She was the sixth wheel in our little group. We used to see her everyday ad she was one of the coolest people you’d ever meet. The house was blue with white trim and a small garden.

We walked up the walk way to the house. It looked like nobody was home since the lights were all off. “Shit what’s today?” I asked the guys. They all shrugged “It’s Friday, Why?” asked Steve. “Because every Friday after school my aunt picks up Abby and they go visit her grandparents for the weekend” I said angrily.

How stupid could I be not to remember this important piece of information! “Well why don’t you come and hang out with us we’ll go to the concert and then we’ll figure something out from there” said Andy. I shrugged and then nodded, it’s not like had anything else to do. We all started walking towards the club Escape the Fate was going to play in. Steve and Andy were talking about the differences between Ronnie and Craig. Robby was listening intently to the heated conversation.

I was walking behind them with Drake next to me. “So…are you going to tell me what’s going on? That’s if you want” said Drake. I sighed these guys were being really good to me I guess I could at least give Drake a reason. “My mom died I had to go live with my dad whom I’ve never met and him and his wife hate me. Oh and their having a baby, so ya that kind of sums it up” I said as if I didn’t care but in truth n was tearing me up inside.

“Wow that sucks…so you decided to runaway?” he asked. I glared at him; he made me seem like an idiot with no plan. “I was hoping to get to my aunt’s house spend the night and call my Uncle to see if I could stay with him” I said as I kicked a rock on the ground. “Well you could stay with us tonight the guys and I are staying here in a hotel and then we’re going back to Huntington tomorrow and I’m sure you could call your uncle from the hotel” he said. I smile, “Thanks” I said grateful that I had someone to help me.

Else Where Back in Huntington

Matt Sr. P.O.V

I sighed as I sat on the back patio with my head in my hands. I can’t believe my own son had runaway from home. I always thought that kids who ran away from home lived in shit holes and had bad lives. Why would he run away? I knew why he ran away but did he actually believe I thought of him as a burden? Sure I complained that it was hard at first but he’s a good kid. After the kids blew up today at school they wouldn’t talk to anyone.

Zack called me telling me that Zander locked himself in his room and wouldn’t come out. They were all angry… and I guess they had a right. Matt was their best friend. I was angry at myself too. The police said that they would find him, but I lost hope of the police finding him. The police never do their jobs right. I quickly got up in urgency. I had to find him myself, even if I had to tear up all of California looking for him. Val was sitting at the table when I came in; she was just as worried as I was probably more. I grabbed my jacket and my car keys from the kitchen table.

“Where are you going?” she asked as she got up. “I’m going to go find him” I said. She sighed, “How are you going to do that? You don’t even know where to look. He could be anywhere by now” she said. I stopped in my tracks; just then a brilliant idea came to mind. If I ran away who would know where to find me? My friends of course. “Val, call Michelle and tell her to get Bridget ready I’m going to take her with me. Maybe she can help me find Matt” I said as I rushed out of the house and into my car.
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Please Comment and Subscribe! Sorry i haven't updated my keyboard sucks but it's okay now, that's why i made this chapter a little longer!

Over and Out Captain!!!