
First supper

Jack’s P.O.V

Me and my dad were currently In his car driving home. I wonder what his house looks like. I’m a little afraid; I’ve never had my own room. The guys and I shared the same room while the girls were in the room next to us. I liked it that way, I was never alone. There always someone there. “Um… Jack I don’t know if you know but my girlfriend Lacy lives with me” my dad said all of a sudden.

I sort of figured he had someone, but I didn’t know they lived together. This was something I didn’t expect. We pulled up to a house that looked similar to Matt’s house. It was huge, and It looked really nice. Since my mom and aunts weren’t really rich we all lived in a small house, but I didn’t mind, in fact right now I missed it more than ever. We got out and I grabbed my bag, we headed up the drive way and opened the door to the house.

It looked just as nice as outside, it was obvious that a girl lived here…or a weird guy. “Lace, we’re home” yelled my dad. A second later a women with black hair and brown eyes came rushing from the next room. “Oh my god hi you must be Jack” she said as she extended her hand to me. “Hi” I said awkwardly, how the hell am I suppose to react? I just smiled and shook her hand. Well… she seems nice enough.

Zander’s P.O.V

My dad took me to this fancy restaurant. I couldn’t even pronounce the name but it sounded French. I wasn’t good at French that was Bridget’s territory; all I know is Italian and some Latin. Our moms were really pushy when it cam to learning things for our futures. We went in and we were seated at a table. My dad went to the bathroom and left me sitting there alone. I took one look at the menu, most of it was in French so I took out my trusty cell phone and sent a text to Bridget.

Me: Bridget, he took me to a French restaurant what do I do?

Bridget: Do you see anything on the menu that starts with a p?

Me: Ya there’s this dish called Pissala?

Bridget: Okay that’s a fish dish I tried it once it’s really good! Order that.

Me: thanks a bunch! Love Ya.

Bridget: same!

I closed my phone the moment my dad came back and I looked at the menu. The waiter came and asked us if we we’re ready. “Yes” I said before my dad answered. He looked at me weird. “You can read French?” he asked me, I took this moment to get to know him. “Do you?” I asked him he shook his head. I just smiled. “I’ll have the Pissala ease on the olive oil please, and I’d like to have a diet coke with that” I said and gave the waiter a prize winning smile.

My dad shrugged his shoulders and ordered two other orders of what I was having. “Why did you order two?” I asked him. “My girlfriend wants to meet you she’s going to be here any minute. So how did you know what to order?” he asked curiously. I smiled and showed him my phone. “Bridget is fluent in French and knows the culture so I just sent her a text message and asked her” I said laughing at his face.

“Oh that makes sense” he said. All of a sudden a woman with platinum blond hair comes over. “Hi, you must be Zander. It’s nice to meet you” she said. This was awkward, but I never crack under pressure, that’s why when we do pranks I’m usually the one doing the hard risqué stuff. “Hi, nice to meet you too” I said and shook her hand. I gave her a smile and just waited for our food.

Matt Jr. P.O.V

We sat in the living room after everyone left. “So do you want to see your room?” he asked me. “Sure, let me go get my bags” I went over to the door to get my stuff when it opened and a woman with blond hair walked in and closed the door behind her. She turned around and saw me, she froze. “Hi?” I said to her, she just whispered a hi back. “You must be Valary?” I said slowly.

She doesn’t seem too fast on the uptake. She just nodded; I smiled at her in a sarcastic way. “Matt, I’m going to… oh Val your home. How was the shopping?” my dad asked her. “Um… it was great, I’ll just take these upstairs and join you guys” she said and made her way upstairs.

I grabbed my bags and my dad showed me upstairs “this is your room” he said as he opened the door to a huge room. It had a queen size bed and a huge closet. “Wow, thanks… I never had my own room” I said. “You never had your own room?” he asked. I shook my head, “No, I shared my room with Jack and Zander” I said. “Oh, well it’s all yours and we could go out tomorrow and get what ever you want to decorate it with” he said with a smile.

“Thanks” I said while dropping my bag s on the bed. “I’m going to go order some pizza, what do you like on yours?” he asked as he made his way out of my room. “I like Veggie pizza” I said and shrugged my shoulders. My mom liked veggie pizza, she wasn’t a vegetarian but she loved veggie pizza. He walked out of the room and left me to unpack.

Matt’s P.O.V

I made my way downstairs to order the pizza. I can’t believe it; he never had his own room. I missed so much of his life. I was angry at Dara. How could she never tell me we had a son, that she was pregnant? When Kimberly dropped the kids off, she gave me an envelope from Dara. She wrote it before she died; I planed on reading it later in private because I know that it’s probably going to make me emotional. I loved Dara, she was my first true love and when she left I felt like a part of me died. Heck a part of me felt like that still.

That was until today, seeing Matt was like getting Dara back again. He looked a lot like me but he looked a little like her and that made me happy. I picked up the phone and ordered the pizzas. Val walked in and went to the fridge. “So I take it you don’t like him?” I asked her, I saw it all. Matt was being nice and introducing himself and she just blew him off. “No, I like him I was just surprised that’s all” she said, I believed her Val wasn’t a hateful person.

Jamie’s P.O.V

We opened the door and went in to my dad’s house he was right it wasn’t that far from Matt’s house which was good. “Come I want you to meet someone special before we eat” Jimmy said before leading me to the living room. We walked in and saw a woman with brown hair and brown eyes dressed in pink sitting on the couch flipping threw channels.

When we walked in she jumped up and attacked me with a hug which I gave back, because it’s nice to be hugged even if it’s by a complete stranger. “Oh my god hi, I’m Leanne, you must be Jamie. When Jimmy told me about you I was so excited” she said. I already liked her she was my kind of person. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you too” I said, “Okay now that you guys met let’s eat” said Jimmy as he walked towards the door. “Jimmy where are you going I cooked dinner” said Leanne.

He took a step back and looked at her confused, “And the house isn’t burnt? I’m surprised” he said as he looked around the room for any sign of smoke. I just giggled at them; Leanne was giving him a death glare that was hilarious. “Be thankful we have a young lady in our presence James” she said, “and yes I cooked, I made Pasta” she said as she grabbed my hand and made her way out of the room.

Bridget’s P.O.V

We got to an Italian restaurant, and went in. We saw the hosts and she told us that a woman was already waiting for us. She led us threw the restaurant to the table. At the table was a woman with brown shoulder length hair that had blond highlights in it.

“Hey baby” said my dad as he gave her a peck on the cheek. I’m already grossed out. “Brian I’ve been here for the past 15 minutes, you’re late” she said in a bitchy manor. “Sorry Bridget and I got caught up at Matt’s place” he said as we sat down. “Bridget this is my girlfriend Michelle, Michelle this is Bridget” he said introducing us. I could tell she didn’t like me, but I was okay with that.
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It's long so please comment!! I deserve it!!

Over and Out Captain!!!