
First day fights

Brian’s P.O.V

I quickly got into my car and drove over to Matt’s house to see little Matt and ask him what happened. I got to the front door and knocked, a moment later Val opened the door. “Hey Brian” she said as she let me in. “Where’s Matt?” I asked her, she gave me a puzzled look.

“Which one?” she asked. I chuckled. “Both” I replied, “Matt Senior, is trying to get Matt Jr. out of his room. He’s been locked in there since he got home” she said as she led me upstairs. I saw Matt in front of Matt jr.’s door. “Hey” I said as I stood in front of matt. “Let me try” I said as I turned to his door.

“Matt” I knocked softly on his door. “Please you don’t have to open the door just tell me what happened. Bridget’s locked herself in her room and she’s hurt, she wont come out” I said. Immediately his door opened and he looked around frantically. “She’s hurt?” he questioned, “Ya, what happened?” I asked.

He led us into his room and sat down on the bed. “After we got down from the bus a group of jerks from school jumped me, Zander and Jack. We got into this huge fight and Jamie and Bridget tried to help us. We finally managed to fight them off and they ran off but not before calling Bridget ‘my little whore’” he said as he finished.

“Who are these kids?” Matt asked, looking at his son with concern. “Their nobody, just some jerks who think we’re freaks” Matt Jr. said with a look of disgust. I nodded, “But how did Bridget get hurt?” I asked, he shook his head, “I don’t know” he said truthfully. I nodded, “I’m going to go home and see if Bridget’s okay” I said as I got up and walked out to my car. Wondering what happened to Bridget. I hope Michelle got threw to her.

Bridget’s P.O.V

I was in my bathroom. Thank god I had one in my room. I was cleaning off the blood from my forehead with a towel and some water. It stung badly from where I hit the ground. I heard some more knocking at the door, but I ignored it. I didn’t want them to see me like this.

They’d probably think that I was some little girl who couldn’t take a little cut. Again there was knocking but a voice accompanied it. “Bridget. Please open the door I just want to talk and see if you’re okay. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to just please open the door” came Michelle’s voice from the other side of my bedroom door. I sighed; I would have to open the door sooner or later.

I slowly opened the door to find Michelle. Concern was clear on her face, not a fake concern but true caring concern. “Are you alright?” she asked. I nodded and let her into my room. She followed me to the bathroom as I continued to clean my cut. “Here let me do that” she said as she opened the cupboard and pulled out some antiseptic with a bandage.

“Sit down” she said as she motioned to the toilet. I sat down in silence. She started dabbing the antiseptic on my cut, it stung a little but the pain soon went. “So do you want to tell me what happened?” she asked. I shook my head. She just nodded.

“You tell me when you fell up to it” she said as she placed a bandage on my forehead. “I just want you to know that I’m here if you want to talk, like girl talk” she said as she started to walk out of the bathroom. I suddenly felt bad. “Wait” I said, she turned around and faced me waiting for me to talk.

“Matt and the guys got into a fight right after we got off of the school bus. The jerks started fighting with Matt, Zander and Jack. Jamie and I stopped the fighting and those jerks ran away, but not before calling me a little whore. We all separated to go home. When I was about a block away the guys cornered me by myself and the beat me up” I explained as I sat down on my bed. Michelle sat down next to me and rubbed my back. “That’s horrible, how did you escape?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders, “I just ran” I said.

She nodded, “who are these boys? I’m going to call their parents right now and talk to them” she said as she stood up and headed out my door. I jumped up, “Please don’t they’ll only do it more if I make a big deal out of it” I said as I stood in front of her. She looked at me in my eyes and then nodded.

“Fine, but if it happens again I’m going to do something about it” she said. I sighed in relief. “By the way your school wants to see me and Brian tomorrow. So we’ll be there” she said as she walked out. I just nodded my head. A while later I heard the front door open and close.

It must be my dad wanting to know what’s going on. Matt didn’t know about the fight so I’m pretty sure my dad didn’t get anything from him. I put my headphones on and closed my eyes. Music always seems to drown out the ugly world outside.

Brian’s P.O.V

I walked into the house and slammed the door. I took a big breath of air to try and calm down. My daughter gets hurt and wont talk to me, her friends have no idea what happened to her and I think I’m going to kill someone. I walked into the kitchen and found Michelle doing the dishes.

I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her waist. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and rested my head on her shoulder. “I found out what happened” she said with pride in her voice. “What happened?” I asked as I sat down on the table. “After the fight the kids had with some bullies. Bridget was walking home when they cornered her and beat her up” she sat down next to me as she explained.

“Don’t worry I talked it out with her” she said reassuringly. “That’s good, but I’m going to go see if she’s alright” I said as I made my way up the stairs. I knocked softly on the door, but it was open. I looked in to see my daughter with her eyes closed listening to her ipod. I swear she looks more like her mother everyday.

I sat down on her bed and her eyes immediately flew open. “Hey” I said as she pulled her headphones off. “Hey” she said. “I just came to make sure you’re alright” I said. “I’m fine, it’s nothing I can’t take” she said confidently.

She seems so brave. Even the first time we met. I’m glad she was. “I’m glad; dinner’s going to be in an hour. Okay?” I said as I walked out of her room. She nodded her head and put her headphones back on. I closed the door behind me and went downstairs.
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Okay, so this is a really good update if i do say so myself! So please comment and i'll update more!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!