Tell Me Angel, Where Are You

Sunken Dreary Stab

I sat in that same chair for hours. Frankie had stayed with me and held me close to him but it couldn't take this feeling away.
No matter how warm his touch was or how soft his fleshy neck was against my icy forehead or how tightly he was holding me in his grip, it couldn't shake this. The dreary feeling sunk into my flesh with hesitation. It stabbed me. I felt out of it. I was shut down and completely not there anymore. I felt as though I were looking through a window or watching a terrible film. It didn't feel real, this didn't feel like it was happening. My swollen eyes were open and I could see but they didn't feel like they were my eyes. I was completely and utterly numb.

Gerard and his mom had been in the waiting room but Frankie left momentarily to tell that that I wasn't going anywhere, so they had eventually left. If she woke up, even for a second, I had to be there. I had to tellher that I loved ther, that I missed her, that I wanted, more than anything, for her to feel the same, for her to see me.
Frank's mom had arrived a while ago but Frank insisted that he stay with me and that he couldn't leave my side.
One of the nurses broke the news that I had to leave at a certain time but that I could stay in the waiting room if I wished. Frank read my mind and asked if it would be alright that we stay in the waiting room overnight. To which she had answered yes, that it was a possibility. She seemed very understanding but she couldn't possibly imagine what hell this was putting me through.

"Hey Adele, babe...are you hungry?"
"I'll eat later." I mumbled without blinking.
"Okay. I'm gunna stay with you tonight. I don't want you to be alone. I already told me mom that we aren't going to school tomorrow.
"Mhm." I hummed slowly.
At the moment, I just couldn't bring myself to say much of anything. I wasn't in the mood to care.

"Miss, I'm sorry, it's time. You have to go to the waiting room."
I silently rose up from the chair and left the room without speaking a single word.
"If anything happens, can you find us?" whispered Frankie.
"Sure thing, sweety."

I continued walking down the empty hallway and found an elevator. A hand grasped mine as the door opened. We silently stepped in and Frankie gently pushed the botton. Tears were dried down my face and my long dark eyelashes clung together even though I ran out of tears hours ago.
The elevator stopped at the bottom floor and he led me to the food court.
He boguth me a turkey, cheese, and bacon samich. We sat over at a tacky blue table. I couldn't stand the hospital smell, I couldn't stand being here anymore.

"Adie, you have't eatten anything in hours, you gotta have something to eat. Please? For me?"
I took a few feeble bites and it tasted alright but I stomach already felt full. I ate almost half of it and put it back down. I couldn't force anymore down, I was already full. I wouldn't have eatten anything but he got me with asking me to do it for him.
"That's good enough. Thank you."
He picked up where I had left off and polished the rest. He threw out the garbage and gently grabbed my hand and led me to the waiting room.