Status: Ongoing.

Idiot Adventures!

Meeting the Hannah.

It was the first day of 7th grade and I wasn't nervous at all. It may be due to the fact that I threw up the nervousness along with my breakfast beforehand but, either way, I was nervous free at the moment. In homeroom, I was surrounded by my best friends from last year and we were talking about our summers and fun things we all did when I noticed that I didn't know EVERYONE that was near me. There was a girl dressed in black sitting in front of me and she wasn't talking. Hell, she wasn't even turned around. She sat there facing the front.

Now, I, being overly friendly and slightly OCD, wanted her to talk to us as well. I tapped her on the shoulder and ,when she turned around, said, "Hi!" extremely cheerfully. "Uhm. Hi." she said, confused and turned her back to me again. Okay, so that didn't go well. With my spirits down, we had to learn our locker combinations and put our backpacks and such away. I, however, am an idiot and honestly never even seen a lock like that before.

I let out a furious screech as I punched the locker. That made me screech louder due to the pain. "LOCKER! YOU LOOK AT ME, DAMN IT! I AM GOING TO EAT YOU UNBORN BABIES, YOU USELESS PIECE OF TIN!" I screamed. The girl I'd poked earlier on today looked over at me with a strange look on her face. I just realized what great first impressions I was making on her. I laughed nervously and pat the locker. "Good boy." I said.

"Do you..uhh..want me to help you?" she asked. "Sure. Give it a shot. Its a stubborn son of a bitch, though. I highly doubt it will-" "There." she said. With wide-eyes, I looked at the inside of the small locker. Then, my eyes flickered to the girl. "Oh. I see. I get it. There is a trick! You guys-" I turned and pointed to the whole school. "-are trying to freak me out! I get it. HAHAH, hoes. I got this!" I cried and closed the locker in order to try opening it again.

Only a minute later, I was bashing my head into the locker screaming, "I don't get it." None of my friends were having trouble at all but they didn't offer to help. My friends are the kind who like to laugh until your self-esteem hits rock bottom. Lovely, little people. I swear.

"Fuck this." I hissed and threw my backpack against the locked. I grabbed my math book and walked Caitlin into history. Then, we realized it was history and walked into science. Finally, someone was kind enough to show us the math room. Caitlin and I took two empty seats in the front but, much to our disappointment, Mrs. Bell switched everyone's seat and behind me to my left, sat the familiar girl.

"Pencil time!" Mrs. Bell said in not so many words. I realized I had none and asked the kids around me. Apparently, everyone but that girl was damn snarky about their writing utensils. I swear, one of them would have bitten my head off had I touched it.

I asked the girls for one and she lent me a nice, sharpened one. :)

"Hey, what's your name anyway?" I asked her. "Hannah." she replied. "I am Sage." I said and smiled. "You! Face forward." Mrs. Bell demanded. I looked up at her and smiled. Smiling gets me out of everything. She returned hate smile and ranted about how painfully boring the school year was going to be. I smiled. Maybe not if I got to be friends with Hannah.

And we totally ended up becoming friends.