A Thousand Reasons Why I Can't Have You

"I'm Frank."

*Gerard's POV*

I leaned against the desk waiting for my brother to reply, the bell had gone but what ever. His face stood with a cross between shock and amazement.

"So it was that bad," I said slowly and put my head down. I was only kidding, I can tell when my brother is happy or well you know. He has a certain face he uses when he has good news. I know it sounds gay, very if you were to ask me but that doesn't mean to say I can't tease him. "Maybe I should just stop ever thinking that I sing." Yeah and I know what you're thinking. Look at that sad kid, he's always putting himself down and being pushed around by others, well let me tell you something, you don't know me. So meh. I grabbed my bag and lobbed it over my shoulder before hearing my brother speak.

"Shut up Gerard I will physically hit you if you say that again." He studied me through he little glasses, "You're voice is amazing and you know it, I can tell by the grin on your face." He sniggered at me but then ran out of the door before I managed to hit him round the head.

Damn that little hairy blob. Yeah that's what I shall call him. Blob. Hairy blob. Well actually i'm hairy, if you count my hair that is, but I... Oh forget this I can't remember what I was going to say anyway. Only that I now headed to my next class with immense bordem. How could school be so boring?

I shoved my bag down and looked at the floor, english wasn't my best subject, it wasn't however the same teacher I had last year but that doesn't mean to say he doesn't think that i'm disturbed. I handed my last english teacher a story that was for coursework, I gave her a story and she read it, she then never spoke to me like I was normal again. She gave me a note to see the counsilor if I needed to, but how many kids would openly go and see some lady that will only pry into your personal life. I say Fuck Off to them, I ain't being her lab rat I swear, all I did was bunk the rest of the lesson and my lame english teacher never found out. She used to ask me whether I had redone my coursework. If I could show you her expression when I said... "Wasn't the last one good enough or do I have to write another one with more desription?" You would laugh your heads off. She looked at me like I was an alien from out of space. The last time she ever asked me for anything I swear.

The lame arse that was at the front now, just drilling along the same lines as write your name on your book.... bla bla bla... I can't care less. I'll only end up loosing it or doodling vampires and stuff on the front. That's my style if you don't like it then tough get your own book to doodle on. He was talking in a very tiring tone, forget that its the first day he makes me feel like i've been back years. I sat at the back of the class again, and I watched as the 'populars' were talking about my hair. One of the girl's said I was cute and hot. I pretended not to hear them but secretly I wanted to puke, hello me, cute, you must be kidding. I was the lame brain that you all called dirty gay boy last year. They used to never notice me unless I was in the way, they'd only throw abuse at me then if they did say anything. Okay, I think i'm sick of my hair already, I don't like the attention and I really don't like the idea of being cute. Don't girl's have a wall in the toilets where they right down whose cute and stuff, ain't that like they're ritual? Well hello, if I end up on that list this year then i'll be damned I am killing myself.

I was so bored sitting there with nothing to do that I dug my hand in my bag for something, anything that would capture my needed attention. I felt the familiar back of my sketch book and brought it out onto my desk. The cover is black and all my drawings are done in pencil or what ever I have handy at the time. Though the ones in pen are naff cause the lines are all blotchy and horrible. It ruins the effect of what I try to convey in my emotions, yeah I draw with my soul and you better believe that I never let anyone see those drawings. Not even my grandma, who taught me to draw, Mikey wouldn't last two minutes if I caught him in that one book.

Oh how this lesson is getting on my nerves, it's all about rules and the new expectations on our maturity being in a new year. What we are studying and shit. God if my life was anything like Romeo and Juilliet it would only be the atmosphere at the end with all the depression and traumatic advents that make me feel at home. Cause that's what I am said to live on, absolute fucked up depression and shit. God can the Chav's ever leave it, of course not, to them everyone is either popular or just an emo, or listed in a catagory. Guess which one I was plopped into because of how I looked. EMO ... The gay fucktards, oh how I would love to wring them up by their necks and cause them so much pain.

*Frank's POV*

So I wandered the long and cramped hallways, wondering what lesson that I actually had next, which I think was maths. Yeah, I think thats what the old hag said at the office place in the middle of the school. When I eventually found the classroom I made my way into the room and told the male teacher why I was late, he was a little peeved and apparrantly he had been talking about the spartans in a maths class. So I had a weird maths teacher that taught History. Great thats like having double history. So I turned to face the class and noticed that apart from the guy at the back with glasses no-body really looked like any fun.

Do I have any skittles in my bag, or did mum manage to pry my bag open and nick them again. My mum is lovely but she nicks my skittles saying they make me to hyper and that I need to calm down. Try telling that to someone who can't stay normal with out having skittles. I took my seat near enough to the guy with glasses and looked at the board. It was full of awlful equations which were like gobblety gook to me, I leaned over in my chair and whispered to the guy with glasses whilst flicking my fringe out of the way.

"What the hell is this shit? How can you work the fucking things out?" He smiled at me then and I stared out from under my fringe which i flicked again out of my way.

"It's algebra and crap but half the time i think it's Roman or something, with how much Sir likes to talk about them. He told us last year that the Romans used to on they're way out of the house rub they're hands along a statued penius for good luck. Sad but unluckily true." He smiled at me and I burst out laughing but I didn't draw to much attention sir was off on another story thing.

"I think this is the most fun i've ever had in a maths class. So if they rub penius's for good luck that means that if they want some action then they can break off they're own play toy. I bet they did that." That made the kid laugh and he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I took it and shook it hard, he did like wise.

"I'm Mikey,"

"I'm Frank." I answered and once again my legendary fringe got in my way. "So you reckon you could help me with this Roman language on the board?" Mikey smiled at me and eyed my pocket.

"Only if you let me have some skittles." I sat puzzled for a sec before realising that thats where I had left them this morning. But they were mine and I don't share skittles with anyone, maybe I could let him have some and then not give him any but only this once.
"Fine but you are not getting any more. You can trust me on that." I knew then that this was gonna be one sweet friendship and I am so glad that I got at least one friend for today.
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hopes this will doo