A Thousand Reasons Why I Can't Have You

Sexy Voices And New Moves

*Frank's POV*

My eyes flickered open from some strange sound, the sunlight danced around the room making my eyes hurt with the white light. Bloody sun! I glanced at the curtains which seemed patterned with cactus's. I moved slightly to make myself warmer as I noticed a breeze which I felt on my naked body, wait that can't be right? I looked down at myself wondering how the hell I had managed that. Then my brain clicked on, since when did I have curtains with cactus's on? The bed groaned underneath me as I felt the weight of someone next to me move. No, this wasn't possible, I slept with... A guy. Wait... What?

The guy moved again, this time I caught a glance of him, it was the blonde haired kid from the kitchen last night. Mikey said something about him, damn, what was it? Oh forget it, I can't remember. What am I going to do? I slept with a guy last night, I have to get away from here. I went to move my legs but a cry of pain escaped my lips. Red hot fire was seeping through my body like blood, I could feel the pounding of my heart quicken with every move I took. Just like that my fringe no longer bothered me, it was the memories from last night that did.

[Flash back In Frank's POV]

The crowds of people, littered the rooms, I felt almost suffocated but the pints of beer were really loosening me up. I'm pretty sure that I could talk to anyone with no problems at all. My eyes were slipping all over the place, scanning random faces until I saw one that I recognized, Mikey.

"Hey Mikey." I called to my new best friend. My ears didn't register the poor sound of talking when I heard the voice coming from my lips. My words were all slurred together, what I had said came out a little more roughly like this... "He ikes." The fact that I hiccuped, at the same moment, didn't add to the speaking process. I was slightly swaying as I stood there, I must of had seven glasses of beer and boy were my taste buds enjoying it.He came over to me and held me up straight, I smirked at him and clapped him on the back, he steadied me before I was a numpty and fell over.

"Come on Frank, I leave you two minutes to find my brother and you get drunk. You're definitely a light weight, come on lets go outside," Mikey then shuffles the two of us round the house and out the back door. The door is open and the next thing I know, cold air is hitting my face and its relaxing, Mikey staggers us over to the garden furniture within the patio's radius. He shakes his head at me whist I'm sitting there. "I'm gonna grab myself a beer stay here." Then he gets up to go.

"Mikes, beer." I drone through the air but he knows that I can't handle another beer.

"Frank, I'm not getting you anything, you deserve nothing more than being left here. I won't do it but I won't help you to loose your mind so stay put. I'll be back in a minute." He wanders back into the house, or maybe that's just my vision. While he's gone my mind doesn't know what to do and when my head rolls backwards I notice the stars. The glowy things hanging in the sky, were very hypnotic, they glittered and danced when my eyes moved. It was mesmerizing. I never noticed the figure come and sit with me until he offered me a beer. My arm swung towards it and it missed.

"Whoa boy, take a hold before you tumble. Can I sit here may I ask?" I nodded as the drink was gently put into my hands. I took a swig straight away and then leaned back. It was great, how the flow of alcohol through my body, could numb all the pain and loss I had felt in the past few months.

"Mikey," I try to say and the guy seems to understand.

"The dude who left you, has found some chicks mate, won't be back for a while yet." Then the guy chuckled. I don't think he was right in the head either. But his chuckled just made the stars look far brighter than before. His blonde hair I could see wavering from side to side as he put his head up to look at the stars. We stayed that way drinking beers, him going inside to get them and me sitting there in bliss, Mikey didn't seem to know where I was nor did he come to find out. Maybe the guy was right, maybe Mikey was having lots of fun with some girls. Hours seemed to fly by me and the random person and me were talking about everything.

"Trees are cool, they grow and if you're lucky they can turn into charcoal. That can be used in fires." Our minds wandered into the land of red, yellow and orange, where we could picture a fire creeping everywhere. Destroying things by using wonderful bright colours.

"Hey, gorgeous, I want to show you something." So the two of us hobbled to our feet and went inside. I followed him rather slowly.

"Where are we going?" I murmured before he swiveled round, almost falling over in the process, and replied.

"Just somewhere a little private-r." He chuckled and even stuttered on the last bit of his sentence.

"Oh," I don't think that I realised that we were going up stairs, until I was laying down on a bed giggling.

I watched the guy close the door and shimmy over to me. He started to undress his buttons, that was funny cause then I felt weird. The room was swirling but I felt like I should take my shirt off. The guy came up to me though and stopped me.

"I'll do that for you." He smiled at me. "Just relax and you'll enjoy it." He took his top of and then straddled me on the bed. Rubbing our crotches together, my breath caught in my throat, he moved his hand underneath my shirt massaging my skin whilst undoing the buttons with his other hand. As soon as my shirt had been ripped off my body, he skimmed his fingers around my nipples, his mouth tickling my neck where his tongue strokes my skin. His breath was silky against the wet skin. With another gentle push he was grinding our hips together again. God the sensations I am feeling are incredible. His hands wander down to my jeans where they tore any buckles or fastenings open. My breathing was becoming so short and sharp I felt like the whole world couldn't feel this good. His hand cupped my erection through my underwear, but he didn't take the cotton off, instead he shoved his hand under my boxers and stroked my hard on. I was shivering in delight.

"Do it," I breath up at him, his eyes only a few centimeters from my face stare deep into mine. He shuffles and slowly slides my jeans and boxers off. I watch from where I'm laying as he yanks all of his stuff off, super fast. He's got me wanting him, pure lust, oh fuck me please. I feel his arms snake round me as he lifts me off the bed, he places me down gently as he stands me up against the bed. His own erection is placed by my entrance. I have no expectations, I just want to feel what only at this moment he can give me.

"Ready babe?" He breathes down my spine.

"Yeah, please oh, do it." My body shakes and he plunges himself into me, I seize up, it hurts. It hurts so fucking much.

"Relax." He tells me, and I take loads of deep breaths, after a while he starts moving inside me and starts building up a rhythm. This is magic, pure utter magic, there is nothing else it could be. The chills and sensations within me make me explode.

"Fuck!" I scream at the top of my lungs, he's hit something, oh fuck and again. "Shit!" My body flys into a heat rush. My erection is almost dripping with fore-cum. I use one hand to steady myself and the other to give myself a hand job. My breathings uneasy, I'm writhing in Ecstasy. "Oh, oh, oh." I feel my release and his inside me. Suddenly I realise his moans were all around me but I'd just tuned them out. We'd been screaming together.

"Well done babe." He breaths sexily in my ear, his voice so smooth. Then he crawls up the bed and under the covers. I wobbly move to the other side and collapse before watching my surroundings fade away, as I enter the deep trance of sleep.

[Flash Back Finished]

I slide desperately off of the bed and try to walk normally but every step means torment for me, I can't take the pain and collapse splattered on the floor in pain. I grab my clothes very quickly and shove them on, crying in pain every few minutes. I end up having to crawl slowly to the stairs, letting small whimpers out as the jolts hurt me even more. Sitting down hurts like fuck, even crawling because of the way my legs turn. Why do I remember, I don't want to, it's bad. My fucking arse needs to suck up the pain but I can't. When I get to the end of the stairs I take a few deep breaths and then try to walk into the living room. I stagger for a few steps then collide with the wall and sink to my feet finally at the entrance to the living room.

I eventually make my way into the living room, where I manage to stand up and spot Mikey, laying down on the sofa with a girl on top of him. She was small in height, a brunette, with low lights in her hair of darker browns. She looked extremely comfortable asleep on Mikey. I wander over to where Mikey's foot is, and whilst holding on to the sofa for dear life, I wince as I kick Mikey's foot. Mikey moans at the impact and randomly calls out to me,

"Oi... Mum, I'll be up in a minute." His voice fades out. I move to whack him again but another searing pain attacks me through my arse and it kills. I cry out in pain but manage to do it quietly.

"Touching Mikey but I'm not your mum, so get your arse off that sofa, and lets get going... Cause my mum will ring your house soon, to see what's happening and I will be in big shit!" Mikey's eyes open and suddenly I think he has got the message because he gently wakes the girl up on top of him. She jumps and smiles at him.

"Sorry Sammy, but I got to go, you have my number right?" She nods at him as she slides of his lap. "Good well, call me anytime and I'll be happy to see you again." I roll my eyes at him,

"Mikey, can we please get going?" I say maybe a little too forcefully.

"Alright, alright, whats got your knickers in a twist? No skittles." He laughs at me then, a do a small smile for him before making a dash for the door. My lower back killed, my legs felt like they wouldn't move again, they were definitely sore. I really don't want to remember what I did last night. My whole body fell to the floor and I couldn't hold the tears back. Mikey stopped laughing then and got to my side in seconds.

"What's wrong Frank?" His eyes scanned my body for any clues. "Are you okay?" He looked really worried then and there. I sighed and took three deep breaths.

"Mikey, I will say everything in a while just get me out of here." I wrapped one arm round his neck and he helped me up. We staggered out the house and back to Mikey's where he bombarded me with questions.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please for god this be okay....
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