I'm Jaded Now

Chapter 4

All they could do was stare.. How can you explain to your bandmate that you have another man in a loving embrace. How does that sound? But Jepha was a quick thinker...

"Good luck man" He tried to make it as manly as possible by grabbing Bert by the neck and grinding his knuckles into berts greasy hair. "Noogie!" He exclaimed, sounding like a six year old.

"There isn't time for shit like that, come on those fans are waiting"

Dan bought it..

Dan walked out of the room in a hurry and Jepha and Bert quickly followed.

On the way down the long white hallway, Bert turned to Jepha and mouthed "nice save"... Jepha just nodded in agreement.


"Awesome show guys..Like always" Quinn was sorta like the cheerleader of the group, He always made the guys feel better.

"Yep..Now it's time to party" Bert said as he was walking through the hallway to the bus.


A few girls got on the bus, some of Dan's friends, they were immediately drunk and dancing around the dirty bus.

Dan,Quinn, and Jepha seemed to be having fun partying and drinking but Bert was nowhere to be found. This was odd because usually Bert was the go to guy for a good party.

"Hey where is Bertie?" Jepha asked Dan.


"Oh I mean..Bert...Yeah where is he?"

"I dont know..go look. Im not leaving these hot chicks. are you crazy?"

Jepha rolled his eyes and went to check all of the bunks on the bus..Dan's bunk, no..just dirty socks..Quinn's bunk, nope..playboy? haha Whatever floats his boat I guess.. He went to check Bert's bunk and he wasn't there either.

"where the hell?..."

Finally he checked his own bunk only to find a sleeping Bertie..

"Awwe..sleeping like an angel."

"No I'm not." Bert turned over to face Jepha

"Holy shit. You scared the crap outta me"

"Oh Im sorry..Did you need something?"

"Nope..Just wondering where you were..why aren't you out there chilling with us?"

"Not much in the partying mood. I got stuff on my mind.."

"Well, do you want me to stay here with you?"

A little smirk crossed Berts face..

"You know I would"

Jepha climbed in the bunk and quickly realized it was not made for two people.

"This thing is so tiny!"

"Thats what she said." Giggled Bert..

"Very funny perv.."

"You love it.."

Jepha grabbed Bert around the waiste and said "Thats not the only thing I love.." as he snuggled his head into Bert's chest..and slowly fell asleep.

Bert kissed Jeph lightly on the forehead and stared at the top of the bunk..he couldn't wipe the smile off his face...
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Lame chapter ending..I know
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