Status: Hiatus

Angel in Disguise


"Now, go get changed into something dry and hurry back down here so I can tell you your surprise!" She said jumping up and down while clapping her hands. She looked like a five year old, exciting about getting an ice cream treat. I rolled my eyes and made my way up the stairs to my room. I looked around my cluttered room for some thing clean I could change into. Finally deciding on a pair of black track pants and a red and black striped hoody, I made my way back downstairs.

"Finally!" my mother said, exaggerating my five second leave. "Come! Come! Sit here, this is big news." Her bubbly mood still there. I wonder how long this will go on for. I sat on the couch while she paced anxiously in front of me. I watched her from walk back and forth. From one side of the room to the other.

"Well, I'm not sure how to word this right, but you know how you have always wanted a sister?" she paused; I can only imagine what my face looked like. Shock? No I think it was more pissed looking actually. "Well there was this program; it's kind of like adoption, but it's not permanent. Isn’t that exciting?!" she was grinning from ear to ear. I grimaced.

"How old is she?" I asked not hiding my disappointment. I wanted a sister when I was about five years old. Now going into my senior year I didn’t want some little brat following me around trying to be best buddies.

"Just a bit younger than you really. But what's wrong I thought you would love this?"

"And why would I would I love this? To have some little kid stalk and annoy me? Yeah that sounds great mom, a real joyride." I said crossing my arms and leaning back into the couch." There was an awkward silence the fell after I spoke. I looked over at my mom. She looked confused and stumped for words. I signed and tired to sound less irritated. "How old exactly is 'just a bit younger'?"

She smiled at my attempt to be interested and replied, "She'll be fourteen in a month." My face fell at her words. I was right, some little kid. Great.

"But she's a really great kid. I've already met her. Really mature for her age." She added trying to reassure me.

"Yeah, I'm sure she is." I replied sarcastically. "Are we moving too than?" I asked confused to where this new kid would be sleeping.

"Um no, honey. She'll be sharing your room with you." She looked sheepishly at me as if she thought I'd lash out at her for her answer.

"You're kidding me." I mumbled.

"She's been through a lot so I need to you be welcoming."

"Sure mom," I replied "we'll be best friends." I faked a smile and ran up the stairs to my room.

"Oh and clean up your room, I bought a new bed for her and it should be here soon."

I slammed my door hoping she heard. This new brat comes here takes over my house, my room, and soon my life and what does she get? Gifts.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another filler chapter , but I swear something will happen in this.
It might just take a few chapters to get there though

I just realised "the kid" has no name. -_-