Lips Made of Yarn


It went on as usual. Brendon would tease and taunt me with his cocky remarks, I would get snippy and shut him up somehow, some time would pass then he would start all over again.
And in a weird way, it felt like we were becoming closer. Like actual friends. But then again, the only time he ever talked to me was to make a snide remark about my outfit for the day or to complain about a customer’s order.

Are we trying to attract bees into the store now?
I scowled at his note in reference to my knee-length pale yellow sundress. When I saw it in the store window, even though it’s not really my style, I couldn’t help but buy it. I admit, a tiny, foolish part of me thought I had looked good in it and that maybe Brendon would have something nice to say about it. Stupid for me to even consider it.

A napkin fluttered into my hand.
Lighten up, I was just kidding. The dress doesn’t look that bad.

"Really?" I breathed, eyes wide. Those words may not seem that flattering to some people, but I had a feeling it was the closest I was going to get to a compliment.
Brendon shrugged and I couldn’t help but beam. He gave me a look as if to say 'Don't take it too personally' and went back to work.

I fought to wipe the smile off my face but I just couldn't. That is, until the next customer walked in. She had long auburn hair and gorgeous blue eyes, accompanied by a girl with black spiky hair that didn’t look as graceful as the first.

The first girl's eyes locked on Brendon and a grin spread onto her thick lips. As she walked forward and swung her hips sensually, a ball of anxiousness presented itself in my abdomen. I bit my lip and looked at Brendon, who was staring at the girl with glittering eyes and light smile. Who wouldn’t, the girl was gorgeous.

The girl walked right past me to stand in front of Brendon, leaning against the counter top just right so that her breasts practically spilled out of her low cut shirt.

"Hey there," She smiled, her voice melodious and sweet. Brendon nodded politely and I gripped the counter for support.
After a second of flirtatious staring, Brendon cleared his throat and cocked an eyebrow. The girl snapped her eyes to the menu above his head and tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"Hm, I don’t know what I want..." She smiled at him again. My heart jumped to my throat because why was he smiling back? Brendon never smiled; what happened to that sarcastic frown he wore so perfectly? It was then I realized he must like this girl or something.

"I'm Kendra, by the way." She tried to brush it off as polite and not a big deal, but I saw right through that. The gorgeous girl with hair to die for was flirting with him.
Brendon flicked his nametag to introduce himself and she smiled, leaning forward slightly to read it.
"Brendon? That's a nice name." She tossed a long strand of hair over her shoulder delicately. I watched in utter horror as he propped an elbow against the counter and leaned his weight on it. They were so close now it made my head swim.

Eyes flashing I fixed my gaze on an unopened box of napkins just next to Brendon. I strutted forward, making sure to swish my new dress nosily. When he failed to tear his gaze away from Kendra, I set my jaw and practically barreled forward, banging into his right shoulder as I passed. Brendon, not expecting it, fell forward from the force and just missed banging his healing head on the counter. I stuck my chin up and kept walking, hearing Kendra gasp and ask if he was okay.

I grabbed the box of napkins, digging my nails into the sides to calm myself. Spinning around, I saw Brendon glaring at me with the most peculiar face and for once I couldn’t interpret what it said.

I returned to my register and stuffed the box under the counter lamely, looking anywhere but at the two people not three feet from me. I had succeeded, at least they weren’t eye fucking each other anymore.

Kendra ordered, her voice so sweet it reminded me absurdly of honey. When Brendon turned his back to make the drink, I watched the girl out of the corner of my eye. She dug in her expensive purse until she produced a small black notepad and silver pen. She scribbled something down quickly and looked to Brendon, anxiously checking if he had seen her. She folded the paper neatly and hid it in her hand, slipping it in between the money she was about to pay Brendon.

Brendon finished her drink and handed it to her, a coy smile on his face. She said goodbye and slid the money across the counter, the edge of white paper sticking out underneath a folded ten.
The bell above the door signaled her leave and Brendon went to scoop up the money, oblivious as to what was hidden inside.

With a final surge of jealousy, I leapt forward and grabbed the money before he could get it. He turned to me incredulously, holding out his hand palm up.

"Trust me, I'm doing you a favor." I said lowly, picking the piece of white paper out and ripping it to pieces.
♠ ♠ ♠
small filler.