Lips Made of Yarn


I stood behind my usual cash register, pining on my name tag. Brendon stood behind the second and last one, a little pale in the face, his eyes scared. It tore at my heart, seeing him look so vulnerable. I leaned forward and placed a gentle hand on his elbow to show my presence. Brendon jumped and backed out of my touch, horrified.

"Hey," I said, trying to be soothing, but failing miserably in my opinion. "You don't have to be n-nervous. You'll do fine."
Brendon just stared at me, his eyes calculating and fierce. I crumpled under his intense gaze, busying myself with straightening a stack of cups. I had to hand it to the guy, he has the whole ‘if looks could kill’ thing down pat.

A group of young girls walked in, toting Coach purses and Luis Vuitton belts. Out for a day of shopping, if I had to guess. People around here were so predictable, so single-minded. Not to mention overly arrogant about all their expensive toys. It really makes me appreciate my one bedroom apartment in the next town over.

Some of them examined our available muffins, while most formed a queue to be served. I put on a fake smile and motioned one over. Brendon gave me a panicked look, which he tried to cover up immediately.

"Brendon can take the next customer," I said confidently, motioning towards him. A girl hurried forward, and I tuned them out and focused on the girl in front me with a forced smile. "Hi, I'm Melanie. Would you like to try our new Grande Chai Latte?"
"No thanks."
"What can I get you?" She recited her order, pausing a few times to remember exactly what she wanted.

I got her drink and thrust it at her. Curiously, I looked over at Brendon to see how he was doing.

The girl was just finishing her order, and I can tell it was complicated from the look on Brendon's face. She finished and looked at him, flashing her braces. He bit his lip and turned around a couple of times, completely flabbergasted.

He managed to make her drink after a while and handed it to her with such an accomplished smile on his face, it made me beam ridiculously. She took the cup and was about to walk away when something caught her eye. A sign identical to the one Kranger put in the window this morning was propped on the counter.

"Hey! You didn't offer me that Grande Chai Latte, so my drink's free!" She said excitedly, holding out her hand and wiggling her fingers. Brendon's face fell and I frowned as he opened the register and got out what she had paid.

I sighed and helped the girl now in front of me, the place starting to get busy. I tried not to watch too carefully, because that might be on the creepy side, but whenever Brendon had a customer, there was no physical way for him to offer the deal, and again and again the customers walked away with free drinks.

I frowned and bit back my complaints, because I knew he was trying his hardest. Brendon went to get a muffin, his hands shaking so badly that the whole tray fell onto the floor.

I abandoned my customer and bent down to help him. I picked up the muffins quickly and threw them out. Brendon sighed heavily and wiped his forehead, looking so frustrated that he might cry.

I bent down to his eye level again, about to take his hand but deciding against it when I remembered how he flinched the last time.
He avoided my gaze and sat on the floor pathetically. I heard vaguely the customer I had been helping calling for me.

"Brendon," I said quietly. He finally looked at me, but only so quickly I would have missed it if I wasn't so goddamn fixed on his eyes. "You’re doing absolutely fine. Now come on, let’s get back to it, okay?"

He shrugged and stood up, squaring his shoulders and facing his next customer with bravery. I smiled to myself and continued working.

"You didn't offer me that drink! I get this free!"
Again. Brendon's brave face cracked and he handed over the cash reluctantly.

Kranger seemed to appear out of nowhere. If I had seen him, I could have done something, anything. Maybe distract Kranger, or intercept Brendon's order and shoo him to the back lounge with some lame excuse.

"Boy!" Kranger barked, slamming his fist down on the counter. Brendon flinched and stared at Kranger with such fear in his eyes. "Your gunna run me out of business! What's your problem, are you retarded or something?!"

I stepped forward to defend him, but at Kranger's comment, Brendon snapped. He tore off his uniform and marched out, his face overtaken by blush, his eyes shining with extra moisture.
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so, tell me wat you think so far, should i continue with this story?