Lips Made of Yarn


I opened the thickly bound novel under the counter, looking around to make sure Kranger wasn't hiding where he could see me. I brought it up and balanced it against the register as I found a stool to sit on.

A temporary lull had taken over the store, midday being not a popular time for coffee. I leaned my head on a hand and read my book. Kranger banged something in his office and I froze, biting my lip. He didn't come out, thankfully, so I can read in peace. Kranger seems to think that I'm going to be standing at attention all day, waiting for the next customer to come in.

I turned the page, but found I couldn't really concentrate. I sighed upon seeing the return of the 'help wanted' sign in the window. Brendon hadn't come back this morning, and now I feel horrible. Warning Kranger may have been a good idea, but I doubt it would have done much.

A lock of hair fell in front of my eye and I exhaled sharply. Flipping my head over, I finger-combed my hair, working out the knots. The bell above the door tinkled, signaling a customer. I continued with my hair, twisting it around in an extremely messy bun and holding it in place with an elastic. I picked my head back up once I was finished, and immediately blushed.

Robin stood before me, her lips pursed. The same lock of hair fell in front of my eyes again and I mentally kicked myself.

"Hello Melanie," she said.
"Hey," I said cooly, trying to flatten my hair with my hand.

Brendon entered Starbucks, a sour look on his face.
I jumped with surprise and I found myself beaming despite the hostile air he was giving off. "Hi!" I squeaked, waving. Brendon rolled his eyes and scowled.

"What can I help you guys with?" I chirped, an unexplained nervousness running through my body.
"Actually, we're here to talk about Brendon's employment." Robin said. My smile faltered slightly. Brendon scoffed from behind her and paced back and forth. Even though he said nothing, his annoyance was so blatantly obvious it was almost incredible how Robin couldn't see it. Or then again, maybe she didn't want to.

"Brendon is sorry for the way he acted yesterday. We both hope that his actions can be forgiven and he may have another chance." Robin's voice was steady and controlled, though a flicker of pleading flashed in her eyes. Brendon scoffed again, and I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was his mother so intent on getting him a job when he clearly didn't want it?

"Uhm, yeah sure. If he wants it, that is." I added, trying desperately to make some kind of eye contact.
Brendon stopped pacing, staring out the window. I wanted my words to make an impact, I wanted him to know that I wasn't going to go along and force him into doing something he wasn't comfortable about doing.

"Of course he does," Robin snapped quickly. Brendon sighed heavily and dropped his gaze to the floor. "Brendon, go get whatever you need to get ready and start working."

I opened my mouth to protest in hopes of giving Brendon a choice, but stopped myself. Robin looked dead-set on having Brendon work here; there must be something that I'm missing.

Brendon moved his hands around, glaring furiously at his mother. I watched him in slight awe, trying hard not to appear like I was staring.
Robin clicked her tongue and shook her head once. Brendon huffed impatiently and stormed toward the door to the back lounge. He didn't say anything as he passed, though his eyes slid past their careful position and found mine. He quickly looked back and disappeared through the door.

"It doesn’t seem to me like Brendon wants to work here." I said, keeping it cool and thoughtful.
Robin looked stunned. "You understood what he signed?"
"Huh?" Confused, I shook my head. "No, I just mean by the way he was acting."

Robin still looked in disbelief and eyed me skeptically. We stood in tense silence, me drumming my fingers across my open book and Robin glancing my way every few minutes. Brendon was taking an abnormal amount of time in there.

Just as Robin sighed and turned as if to leave, I blurted out one of the questions that had been plaguing my mind.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Robin blinked slowly, assessing the situation. "Tell you what?"
"Tell me that Brendon's mute."

Robin smiled sadly and started backing away. "Ask him yourself."
She was gone, walking briskly to her car and climbing in. I sighed. It would be so much easier if she could just tell me.

Brendon peeked his head out, saw his mother was gone, and stepped out fully. I smiled his way, hoping his full lips would return the favor.
However, Brendon scowled at me and sat on an abandoned stool with the air of someone being held against his will. Like a prisoner, I thought.

"So, busy day today, huh?" I chuckled feebly at my very sorry excuse at a joke. Brendon rolled his eyes and took out the same notebook from yesterday and scribbled something on it.

He practically threw it at me, his venomous stare piercing through his body. I took the notepad and read.
Stop trying so hard. I'm not some 'retard' you have to entertain.

I frowned as guilt washed over my body. Brendon snatched back his notebook and turned away from me.
"It wouldn't hurt you to be nice, you know."
♠ ♠ ♠
here it is, the update i promised =]
a nice long juicy comment to make my day ?