Lips Made of Yarn


Brendon clutched at his head and rolled onto his side, massaging the spot where I hit him.

"Ah, shit," I groaned, hovering over him. "Are you okay? Shit, I thought it was a burglar or something."

Brendon shot me an incredulous look and brought himself to a sitting position, wincing slightly. On the right side of his forehead a large purple bump was forming, extending clear across his forehead.

I smacked myself on the head and bent down so we were eye level. Brendon made a noise at my closeness and backed away, covering his forehead gingerly.

"I'm sorry, okay? How was I supposed to know you were here so early?" I shuffled forward and reached out a hand, intending on inspecting the bruise. Brendon hissed lowly and backed away, his eyes hard and cautioning. I exhaled in frustration, talking through gritted teeth. "Jesus, I'm just trying to help. What's your problem?"

Brendon scowled and got to his feet, giving me another crippling glance before storming out of the room.

I let out a cry of frustration and threw my hands in the air. For the life of me I couldn't figure this guy out! Was he so miserable with himself that he couldn't be civil to his fellow employees? Could he just once pretend to act like he cares and stop acting so goddamn ignorant?

Anger boiled inside me, causing me to grit my teeth to prevent a primitive growl from ripping out.
I shot to my feet and stomped out of the room. I threw open the door so hard it collided with the wall harshly and rebounded. Brendon flinched at his seat at one of the few tables in the small eatery.

My field of vision narrowed and I zeroed in on his arrogant little face. I can't remember the last time I was this angry, so angry that my hands were shaking.

I watched Brendon’s face change from indignant to frightened as I barreled forward. I could only imagine what I must look like, hair billowing madly behind me and face set.

I drew closer and Brendon started to scoot his chair backwards, now looking thoroughly scared.

"You listen to me," I snarled, jabbing a finger in the air, just barely missing his nose. "I said I was fucking sorry, so take my apology and stop acting like such an arrogant prick because seriously, there’s no need. So stop being pissy and moping around. Grow a spine, forget about that bruise, and just get to work!"
I finished out of breath and panting, my eyes losing temporary focus in the anger filled haze.

Brendon’s mouth was gaping and eyebrows up, staring at me as if I had three heads.
I spun on my heel and walked away, another thought popping into my mind and forcing me to turn back around.

"Oh, and another thing," I barked. Brendon flinched at my tone. "I'd really appreciate it if you would wipe that cocky smile that’s always on your face, off. It conflicts with that bad guy persona you're always trying to put up."

Brendon’s jaw dropped out of astonishment instead of fear this time. I stuck up my chin with dignity and stamped out of the main room and back into the employees lounge.
Pacing back and forth, I wrung my hands together and controlled my erratic breathing. Once I began to calm down, the anger ebbed and I began to think rationally.

He deserved it. He totally deserved it. Someone needed to put him in his place, and seeing as I was the one who received the blunt end of his teasing, who better to do it?
Maybe finally now he'll be less arrogant and act like a normal person.

When I heard Kranger enter, I took a deep breath and smoothed down my hair, pulling on that ugly green smock and leaving the employees lounge. Brendon was already behind his register and when I came out, he glanced at me before averting his gaze nervously. I grinned smugly, hoping his fear of me from my sudden outburst would stop his cocky attitude.

I caught his eye and found him looking me up and down, assessing something. I blew right past self-conscious and back into pissed off.
"What are you staring at?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes.
Brendon threw up his hands in defense as an overly dramatically expression washed over his face.

I rolled my eyes and he smirked, throwing a folded up piece of paper at me.
Just trying to figure out where that outburst from before came from. Do you have a whole lot of that hidden somewhere in that tiny body?

I sighed. So, back to the cocky messages? I frowned at him, letting the paper fall to the floor at my feet.
Unfortunately for me, Brendon had a whole notebook full with paper.
What, am I getting the silent treatment now?

"You deserve it." I growled. Brendon cocked an eyebrow and turned his back on me but not before concealing a small frown.
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comments will seirously make me update very quickly.