Rainbows, Bread, Tits, and Crack: A wild ride

What do we do?

Chapter 1

"Murph move your ass!" I hollered from the bathroom of our newly furnished, incredibly tiny apartment, speaking solely to Rye, the slowest dresser of us all.

We were fresh out of High School and ready to take on the world. It was me, Bitch Tits, Crack Head Murph and Rye Bread. We all moved into our own two bedroom apartment, Rye and I in one room, Bitch Tits in the other and Murph in her own little corner of the living room. Rye and I had been extremely close forever, so sharing a room was nothing to us. We had seperate beds. What can I say apartments aren't that cheap on 3 part time jobs.

Bitch Tits, BT we call for short, Murph and I all attend the college here, Rye is a struggling artist taking a year off to explore her art. And today was the only Saturday afternoon we've ALL been off together.

"Where's my black bottoms?" Murph yelled, rummaging through her crate of clothes. I could hear everything banging around wildly as she trampled through her terribly unorganized belongings. "Under the cushions of the sofa," BT called pushing into the bathroom with me, applying a thick coat of eyeliner.

"I don't see... oh there they are. I left them there after Noah," she winked pushing BT out of the way.

"Woo party in the girls room!" Rye sing-songed pushing me out of the way. I was about 1 inch from burning her with my curling iron. "We need more mirrors," I muttered, blowing my bangs out of my eyes. "You love us," Rye kissed my cheeks, cradling the bits of a skimpy bathing suit in her hands as she pushed her way out of the bathroom.

"15 minutes," I yelled to all of them. I was the organizer, the clock on everyones schedule. I did all their planning and made sure everything and everyone was taken care of, phone calls were made and answered, appointments remembered, and bills paid on time. But I could never tell you what was on MY agenda alone the next day. I could tell you where to find BT or Murph but never myself.

"What should we listen too?" I asked looking in the rearview mirror, popping my gum. "Crunk!" BT called. "Gehhhh," moaned Rye, "that shit sucks."

"Ooh Sweetest Girl!" Murph said putting the random mix CD in the player from the passenger seat. It was the CD that had hip hop, punk, indie, classic rock, and some latin shit. I turned the ignition and headed off to the Gorge. The Gorge was exactly as it sounds, a gorge. There were places to jump into the river. Probably the scariest thing I've done in a bit, but the thrill was worth it. "So are you actually going to jump this time?" I asked Murph, punching her in the leg. She refused to jump from anything except Pussies Point.

"Hey, I already told you you had bigger balls than me for jumping so stop trying to get me to!" she said glaring at me. I loved Murph. She was one of a kind with her legs hanging out the side of my car, hair blowing from the wind, and sunglasses on as she relaxed in the sun. "What about you?" I asked giving Rye a glance in the rear view mirror. She was short and had her dark legs curled under her that's how tiny she was. Her oddly large tits popped out of her tiny tank top and she smiled like she had some mischievous plan. BT was the conservative one. Wearing Rye's and a goddamn hoodie. We'd strip her later. :] She had long straight pink and blonde hair and sexy dimples. She had the pearbody everyone wanted but refused to show it off, no matter how hard we tried. I used to be the same way, but I finally gave up on that.
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What do you think so far?

I promise the boys are in the next chapter :]

