Rainbows, Bread, Tits, and Crack: A wild ride

Who do we meet?


"Oh my god...I think I'm going to die!" BT called staring down at the water. "It's like 6 feet?!" I called over to her. "This is PUSSIES point," I explained to her, "pussies, it's nothing just jump your ass off already." I had already gone like 7 times waiting for BT to go. Even Rye and Murph had jumped a couple of times already.

"Okay, one...two...THREE!" BT screamed jumping off. I rolled my eyes, over dramatic. We all stood along the edge of the "cliff" looking down as she resurfaced. "That was fun, to the bigger one!" she called swimming away to get out and climb back over to us.

"Sunset," was all I said. Everyone but BT understood me. Sunset was a 50 foot drop, straight down. We switched sides of the river, crossing the bridge to Sunset. "Holy Shit," Rye said looking over the edge. "Here goes guys," I said. "Wait, we have to do this daring....topless!" Murph smirked at me. "Murph, do you know how to get out?! You have to jump, swim across the river, climb the rocks on the OTHER SIDE and walk all the way around, across the bridge to here," I explained to her. "Exactly," she smiled.

"Crazy," I muttered. "Okay, tops off I guess." I pulled mine off as the others did too. "You go first," Rye smiled.

And I did. I jumped all the way down followed by Murph, then Rye. "Throw us our tops," Murph called. Down they fell, one, two...? "Where's mine?" I asked right as BT jumped off, hers in hand. "You left mine at the top?!" I asked as her head broke the surface of the water. "Yeap," she smirked as they all tied their tits in place. "You suckkkk!" I yelled swimming to the rocks where you climbed out.

SMACK, I heard the water break under the bridge. "Shit! someones coming," I yelled trying to scurry up the only exit there was. I looked behind me as a dread-filled sandybrown head emerged out of the water. Another splash and another. Two more were coming. Finally a third and it was a whole party. Not to mention BT thinks physical activity is the anti-christ and its taking her twelve years to get up the damn rock. We were still waiting at the bottom.

"Hello," I heard Murph say as four guys climbed on the rock next to us. "Hello," they all answered back, keeping their eyes one me. "I'm Bill," the tall skinny one with long black hair held out his hand to Murph, then Rye, then me. "Uhh," I said not moving my hands from protecting my tits. "Oh sorry" he blushed a little, shy. "I'm Murph, this is Rye, the girl attempting to climb a rock is BT and this, topless fiend is Rainbow, but we call her Ray," she smirked. "You guys have some pretty interesting names," the muscular boy with medium brown hair said, his eyes waiting for me to slip up and expose a boob. "Where are you guys from?" I finally spoke up, picking up their accents. "Germany," the boy with dreads smiled at me. "Germany," I said letting it roll off my tongue. It sounded good. I smiled.

"Do you guys want to hang out with us,"I asked, keeping my eyes on Dread Boy. He was gorgeous. He had soft eyes and an intense square jaw. He fidgeted with the ring in his lip and smiled back at me. "Sure, our stuffs by the bridge. I'm Tom by the way."

"Well mines over there I pointed to the other side."

"Looks like someones going to have to use her hands to climb, I'm going last!" Tom raised his hand and smiled a huge childish grin. I smirked accepting the innuendo there, stepping closer to him. "Maybe you'll get your own show," I whispered in his ear.

"Gertrude Violet Hamilton! You can't do that to people you just met!" Rye said putting her hands on her hips, trying to give me her disappointed look.

"A) stop calling me Gertrude and B) I do what I want, I'm 18 years old, and if I want him to see my tits, he'll see my tits," I said putting my hands on my hips, completely forgetting I was topless.

"Well there you go, he just saw them," Rye smiled.

BT and Murph broke into hysterics, Bill smirked, Georg full out smiled, and Gustav just looked shocked, like a deer caught in headlights. No pun intended :]

"Just climb the stupid rock already," I motioned my arm upward to BT who needed to move her ass.

One by one they climbed up. BT followed by Georg, Murph, Gustav, Bill, then Rye.

"I'll be up in a minute," I winked at Rye. She rolled her eyes at me and went up. I turned to Tom. This would be fun to seduce a sexy hot German.

"So what brings you to the U.S.?" "For fun," he smirked. I took a step closer. "Can I make it a little more fun?" "If you're up for the challenge, I don't think you could handle me," he said, leaning in closer to me. I cold feel his breath on my neck. "You're in for a surprise then," I whispered back, taking his lip ring between my teeth. He smiled agasint my lips as I pressed my body into his. I pressed one hand into the back of his neck and the other resting on the hem of his shorts as we kissed. It was a hot kiss, wow, I don't know if I'd admit it out loud, but this was the best kiss ever. He deepened the kiss, tangling his hands in my long hair. I dug my nails into his lower back, pushing into him hard. We pulled back for a breath and I smiled, feeling him on my leg. "You Americans are crazy," he whispered, in his sexy accent.

"I know," I smiled turning and climbing up the cliff. I didn't plan on ever being this topless in front of anybody for so long, but it wasn't that bad. I think Tom enjoyed it quite a bit actually.

"So where should we go now?" Gustv asked, tossing the stick he was playing with. He sat on a fallen tree next to Bill and Rye, while Georg and BT tried to show each other up on jumping the farthest, when the truth was they were the two biggest chickens out of all of us.

"Let's jump off the bridge" Bill smiled. No way. The bridge was like 100 FEET!

"Nope," I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you serious!" Georg squeaked. We all burst out laughing, "Nice one tough guy," Tom smiled punching him in the arm.

"Do you guys wanna come to a party with us?" I asked, throwing a hoody on over my bathing suit and slipping my flip flops on.
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