A not so forbidden love...

Chapter 2 " Introductions "

(Ayumi's Point of view)

The boys looked at me strangely. I don't blame them though. I mean honestly, compare me to them. " What are you looking at?! All I asked is if you knew my sister. " I said with my hands on my hips and an eyebrow raised. Just then a pair of orange haired twins ran over to me, draped their arms over my shoulders and grinned. " She does look like Haruhi a bit. "
I'll admit, they were kinda hot but I have a thing about random people touching me. " ...Get...Off...now" I gave them my famous death glare and they quickly took their arms off of me.

"Ayumi calm down, I'm right here!" I glanced to my side and saw my sister Haruhi walking up with a pleading look on her face." HARUHI! THERE YOU ARE! " I yelled happily. It was nice to see a familiar face in a sea of rich snobs. I hugged my sister and she gave me a quick hug back before letting go. " Now do me a favor and tell me who these weirdos are. " I pointed my finger in the boys direction. Just then, a small boy came up to me with a chibi face, holding a pink rabbit. "Haru-Chan! Is this your sister??" He asked with the most adorable smile I have ever seen. " Yes this is my sister Ayumi. Ayumi, This is Honey-senpai. " She introduced us and the boy named Honey waved happily. I smiled slightly and waved back. " Haru-Chan, your Onee-Chan isn't mean. " He said smiling at both of us. I looked at my sister with an unamused expression and my arms folded. " I'm mean am I?"
" No I never said that!!" She said holding her hands up in defense.

" That is what you said. " Said one of the twins with their hair parted to the left and the same smirk as his other. " What I meant was that you aren't used to hanging around upper class people. " She said trying to explain herself. I pondered what she said for a moment before coming to my conclusion. " Well I guess thats true. If someone acts like a snob towards me I beat the shit out of them. " I smiled happily which only made the boys looked at me like you was some sort of nut job. " Anyway back to important matters. These guys your friends?" Pointing my finger at the boys, I looked at my sister with a bit of disbelief. Haruhi looked at the group and then back at me. " Yea...Sorta..." She mumbled.

I walked over to the boys and stood in front of them with my hands on my hips." Ok, now introduce your selves. You Blondie you start. " I pointed to the boy who was trying to hide behind a tall boy with dark hair and a blank look on his face. The blonde boy breathed a heavy sigh and got out of hiding. He got close to my face and held out a red rose. "My name is Suoh Tamaki, It is a pleasure to meet you my dear " He gave me a charming smile but I simply walked past him and pointed to the twins from before. "Ok now you two." I said in a demanding tone. Tamaki went into the corner planting mushrooms, being depressed because I ignored his fancy entrance. The twins immediately draped their arms over my shoulders once more and smiled. " I'm Hikaru. " Said the twin with hair parted to the right.
" I'm Karou. " Said the twin with hair parted to the left. " NOW LETS SEE IF YOU CAN PLAY THE WHICH IS HIKARU GAME! " they put hats on their heads and smiled at me. " We're going to put on these hats and sort of shuffle ourselves like a card deck. Your job is to figure out which one of us is Hikaru. " They explained, talking in unison.

Honestly I had no idea what was happening at the moment but one things for sure, They were up to something and I was curious about what. " Sounds fair enough. But what do I get if I win? " I asked with a semi smirk and my arms folded over my chest. "If you win, you get to come see your sister here at the club whenever you like. " Said the twin on the left.
" And if I lose? " Obviously I'd like to know what I'm risking. " You have to go on a date with us." They smirked at me. Wait a minute. A date? A date with both of them?! I don't even know them! " You've got to be kidding me!" I said with a bit a shocked expression. " Those are the terms!" They said tipping their hats upward.
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The next part should be out soon.