Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

Music Shops Rock

Harely Peters, Cyndal Wallace, and I were in the middle of our senior trip. We had decdied that year to take a road trip through Washington state to Seattle and go down the coast through Oregon and California. Unfortuantely for us, our car decided to break down in a town called Huntington Beach, California. None of us had been there before and we had no idea where to take our car to get it fixed. After a long time of searching, Harely found this place and we took our car in.

"There is a short in the wiring harness. I don't know how long it will take or how much it will be until I figure out what exactly is shorted out." The repairman told us as he wiped his hands on a rag.

"Guess that means we have to stay here." I moaned and looked at my two friends. "Do we have enough money for all this? I mean to stay and to get this fixed?"

"I'll call my parents." Cyndal said and pulled out her phone. She dialed them and talked to them for about five mintues as we stood outside the auto shop. When she hung up she smiled. "They are wiring money to pay for the car and for us to stay for a few weeks. We just have to tell them when we need more money for stuff." She all smiled and decided we needed to go find a place to stay. We walked down the street and found a hotel that looked presentable. We went inside and checked in. Once we got our room and what not, we headed back to the autoshop and collected our things, bringing them back to our room.

"I wanna go to the beach." I said as I put my bags on the bed Harely and I were going to be sharing. Cyndal looked over at me and nodded.

"I do too." We all agreed and began to put our stuff away. After that was all settled, we began to get ready to go to the beach.

Once we were finished getting ready, we headed out and began to walk to the beach. On the way I notied a music store. "Hey, guys lets go in." I said, before they could object, I was already inside. They knew this could take awhile so they went inside too.

I was going through the Avenged Sevenfold cd's and was heading to grab an atreyu cd from the side when my hang accidently grabbed anotehr person's hand. I pulled my hand away and blushed. "Sorry." I heard the person next to me laugh.

"It's ok." the deep voice said. I looked up and found myself looking into these deep green orbs. It was as if I was in a trance. I managed to tear my gaze away for a second before i looked back for a second look. Standing right in front on me was Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold, with a smirk on his face. my jaw literally dropped.

"Your Zacky Vengeance." I stated stupidly, causing his to laugh again.

"Lst time I checked I was." He replied. "Since you know who I am, I think it would be fair to ask your name." He said casually. Before I had a change to reply, Harely came up to me.

"J, can we go? Cyndal and I are bored." She said whining to me. I looked at her as she didn't notice the man standing next to her.

"J?" When he said this Harley looked over at him and just stood there with her mouth hanging open.

"It's short for Jessica." I said as I laughed at my catatonic friend. "Don't mind Harely, She is in love with your band, but mostly M. Shadows." I said.

He nodded. "It's ok. not the first time its happened. So If we hare one of ehr favorite bands, does that mean you like us too?" He asked as I waved my hand in front of Harely's face.

"Yeah, actually you are my favorite band." I said and I slapped her in the face.
He smiled. "Awesome, do you have a favorite band member too?" He asked. Just then Harley seemed to snap back to reality.

"You!" She exclaimed and walked off. This caused me to blushed. He looked over t me and smiled wider than before.

"I'm your favorite?" He asked as if trying to clear up any misconceptions.
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So I just got my computer back, so here you go....
this is for the wonderful That.Synyster.Smile....... love ya Tara