Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

You're Not Leaving Us

We pulled apart and Zacky took my hand in his. He smiled at me and cocked his head to the side. "Um...Jess?"

"Yes?" I asked, looking over at him as we walked out the door and into the hallway.

"What does this make us?" He asked timidly.

"I don't know." I sad and stopped walking in the middle of the hallway, causing Zacky to stop as well. "I mean, I really want it to mean we are together, but with me leaving tomorrow I don't know."

He nodded. "I know it will be hard, but if you want to do it we can, or we can wait til we can fully be together." He turned me to face him and looked into my eyes. I could get lost in those green orbs anytime.

"I kinda want both. Um.... could we have an open reltionship?" I asked, thinking that this wouold be the best way to go about his.

"What do you mean?"Zacky asked all confused.

"Well, we would be together, but because of the distance it will be hard. And if one of us accidenlty cheats it will be ok until we can fully be together." I explained. "Not that I would cheat. I just don't want it to happen and either of us getting hurt."

"Oh I understand. I think it is a good idea." Zacky smiled and kissed my lips softly. When he pulled apart he grinned. "Now I can officially call you 'My Girl" and not be lying." I laughed as he said said this.

"Yes you can. And I can brag to everyone that I am dating ZACKY VENGEANCE on my favorite band ever. They'll think I'm lying." I chucked and kissed his lips.

"I guess you together now." Harley said from the doorway of our room. I pulled away from Zacky and looked over at her smirkinf face. I nodded happily. "Good now Jess you have to help pack."

"Fine." I grumbled and walked into the room. "Oh Zacky plan an amazing night for us please."

"Sure thing babe." He said and left.

"AWWWW...." Harley said as She walked over to the bed. I blushed a deep red. "See I told oyu in high school that it would happen." Harley said matter-of-factly. Ilaughed.

"I know, I just never thought it would actually come true." I said and picked up a bag. I started to put things into it.

"Well, I think you're perfect for each other. I am happy for you." Cyndal said, while giving me a hug from behind.

"Thanks." I said and we all continued packing. Once we were done, we placed everything on the floor by one of the beds and went down stairs. The guys were sitting in the livingroom as well as Ashley and Ryan.

"Hey guys." I said and sat down next to Zacky. He gabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together.

"Hey." Jimmy said in a sad tone.

"Um... we decided something and we WILL NOT take no for an answer." Matt said sternly as he leaned forward in his seat on the couch.

"And what did you decide?" Cyndal asked from the couch she, Harley, and Johnny we sitting on. "And why won't you take no for an answer?"
You're not leaving us." Syn stated simply with a smirk on his face.

"We have to." Harley said sadly from next to Cyndal.

"We know, but tomorrow when you leave, we all are going with you." Jimmy explained more. "All of us will take a road trip with you guys then all come back togehter."

"What if we can't come back?" I asked leaning my head on Zacky's shoulder.

"Oh you will, even if we have to kidnap you." Zacky smirked at me. I just laughed.

"Oh and we will play a free concert for who ever you want to come." Johnny added.

"Oh wow!" Harley exclaimed as the three of us loked aorund the room at the seven people watching us.

"Fine." All three of us said at the same time. Everyone let out a loud cheer and beamed.

"Let's go pack guys." Ashley said smiling. Everyone agreed and got up and went where they needed to go to pack their things, except for Harley, Cyndal, and me.

"I can't beleive they are doing this for us." I said looking at my two best friends.

"I know me either." Harley and Cyndal agreed.

"So who all should we have at the private concert?" Cyndal asked as she moved to lie down on the empty couch.

"I don't know." Harley said. "Who do we know that likes Avenged Sevenfold?"

"A lot of people. hmmmmm." I said leanign back on the couch and tried to think of people.

"'ello, 'ello, 'ello!" Ashley cried as she walked into the rom. "What's crackin my sistas?"
We all burst out into laughter as she flopped down on the chair flailing her arms aorund as if she was a gransta.
"Dude, what are you smkoin' cuz I want two." Harley said through her laughter. We were still laughing as the guys came in one by one.

"What are you laughing at?" Syn asked when he walked into the room.

"Our retardedness." I said wiping tears from my eyes because I was laughing so hard. He nodded in understandment and sat down. After everyone was in the room and we had calmed down, plans were made for what cars we were taking, where everyone stayed in Idaho, how long we were staying, and some of the stuff for the private concert. When all the plans were done it was around 9 pm.

"We should order food or something. I'm hungry." Harley said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Surprise surprise." I smiled at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. "You're just jealous cuz I can touch my tongue with my nose." Everyone started laughing and Harley crossed her arms and pouted. "See." I said smugly.

"Do you realize how random you can be?" Zacky asked as he wrapped his arm around my shulder and pulled me into him. I grinned widely and nodded my head energetically. He laughed and kissed me softly on the lips.

\"HOLD ON!!!" Johnny exclaimed. Everyone looked at him as he jumped around pointing at Zacky and me. "Are you two finally dating?"

"Um...yeah. Isn't it obvious?" I aksed. "I mean we were holding hands earlier and he just kissed me."

"Yeah, but you guys hold hands all the time while Zacky is saying your his girlfriend to the public. You have even kissed." Matt pointed out as Johnny sat down.

"True, but yes we are going out." I said and shrugged.

"'Bout god damn time." Brian said with his infamous smirk on his face. "Oh and that means I won the bet. Pay up bitches." He held his hand out for money.
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