Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

We Want Half

"Wait, what bet?" I asked as I moved away from Zacky. "What are you talking about?

"Well, we were ALL betting on when you two will get together." Syn said, stressing on the word 'all.' "I won. I bet that exactly three weeks from the day you met, which is today."

"WHAT!?!?" I cried. "How can you do that!?!"

"Calm down, hun." Zacky said pulling me back into him. "So how much did you win?"

"100 bucks from everyone." He said as everyone began to pull their money out.

"SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!" I cried out and tried to get out of Zacky's grip, but failed.

"We want half." Zacky sad while holding onto me.

"WHAT!?!" Syn cried and pulled the money into his chest. "No."

"Yes, because you were betting on us. We want half." Zacky remained calm through the entire conversation. How does he remain so calm? I asked myself.

"UGH! Fine." Syn said as he divided the money up and handed some to Zacky. Zacky smiled and counted it.

"Good, now Jess and I are going to go have dinner." He said pulling me up.

"We are?" I asked.

"Yes we are. Now come on." He said and grabbed my hand and dragged me from the livingroom. I laughed. "What?"

"This just reminds me of when we first met and you dragged me around town." I said and smiled over at him as we left the house and traveled down the driveway to Zacky's car.

"Yeah it does, but at least this time I will be honest to everyone when they ask who you are." He smiled. We got into the car. He pulled out of the driveway and took my hand in his.

"I know." I said and watched him as he drove. "You know that I used to obsess over you in highschool."

"Really? I knew I was the one you thought was the hottest, but I didn't know you were obsessed." He turned his head to glance at me with a smile on his face before turning his attention back to the road in front of us. "I feel special."

I laughed. "Well, when I like something I learn as much as I can about it, and I liked you." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Liked? Past tense? Does this mean you don't like me anymore? HE asked with a hurt look on his face.

"Nope. I can't stand you anymore. Thats why I agreed to be your girlfriend. Duh!" I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Oh, since you aren't staying in Idaho, I say that we stop the whole open relationship idea and stick with dating each other." Zacky said cheerfully. I agreed.

"Where are we going?" I asked glancing at the clock. "What food establichment is open at 10 o'clock at night?"

"Denny's." He answered simply. "I love their food." He smiled over at me and pulled into the parking lot. He turned off the engine and leaned over to peck me on the lips. "I'm glad you're my girlfriend."

"Me too. I used to dream about meeting you and never thought you would feel the same as I did about you." I said staring into those beautiful green orbs he called eyes.

"Well, you're dreams ahve come true." He leane din and kissed me again. I tilted my head and deepend the kiss. We pulled apart and he took my hand in his, again. "Let's go inside. I'm hungry."

We got out of the car and Zacky wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and we walked into the builing like that. The diner was nearly empty, except for a couple customers and te people working. As soon as one of the waitresses saw us she squealed.

"OH MY GOD! You're Zacky Vengeace!" She cried, causing everyone in the diner to look over at us. Soon the few people in the diner were surrounding us. I laughed and rolled my eyes. After about 20 minutes of being surrounded by fans, we were finally seated.

"Finally." I said and looked at the menu in front of me.
"Yeah that does get annyoing." Zacky said. An excited waitresscame and took our drink order. She brought out our drinks and took our food order. Once she left we resumed conversation.

"So, I'm excited to see where you grew up." Zacky reached across the table and took my hand in his.

"If you want you can even meet my family." I said softly, looking over at his. His face lit up as I
said this.

"I would love to meet you family." He chimed happily.

"Ok, but just to warn you, my family is insane." I said with a grin plastered on my face.

"I think I can handle that." I could only laugh at this comment.

"We'll see." With thta our food was brought out and we began to eat. "They have weird ideas about things. Oh, and expect the third degree from my sister and cousin." I warned him.
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Here you go. Only 9 moer chapters..... then sequel