Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

Johnny Wins

"Ok." He said. "But hun, I am not dating your family. I am dating you, just remember that."
I smiled. We sat in Denny's until it was about 11:30 before we decided that we had to go home and et some sleep since we had to get up early tomorrow for our trip. Zacky paid for our dinner and took my hand in his once again and led me out to the car. We got in and drove off to Matt's house.

We went into the house and up the stairs. He pulled me into a hug once we were outside my bedroom door. "Do you wanna stay with my in the guest room tonight?" He asked me. "I mean just to sleep, nothing else." He added quickly as if to clear up and misconceptons.

"Sure, let me go get my stuff for the night." I said and entered my room. I grabbed everything I needed and walked back out of the room.

"Here let me take some of that." Zacky said pulling some of it out of my arms. He led me down the hall to an empty guest room. He laid my stuff on the bed. He left the room so I could get changed. He only entered the room when I told him it was ok for him to enter. I went into the bathroom and did my nightly routine and got ready for bed. Once I entered the room saw Zacky already sitting on the bed in his boxers. He patted the spot next to him and I crawled in the big bed. We laid down and he clapped his hands together, turning out the lights. {A/N: I love the clapper lolz} He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

"Good night." He whispered into my hair.

"Night." I replied softly and clsoed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

~Zacky's P.O.V.~
As I laid there with my arm wrapped aorund Jessica, I smiled to myself.I still couldn't believe she liked me too. When we first met, I was serious when I told her that I liked the way her hand felt in mine.

I thought back to earlier when Jessica found out about the bet they had going. I knew about the whole thing, I had found out about it earlier and planned with Syn about when I would ask her out. I didn't have a clue if she would say yes or no, but it was still worth a try. I'm so glad she said Yes.

I tightened my grip around her waist and pulled her closer, if it was possible, to me. I buried my face into her hair and smiled. I closed my eyes and drift off to a peaceful sleep.
~End P.O.V.~

I woke up to someone pounding on the dor. "Get up Mother Fuckers!" Matt shouted. "We gotta get on the road."

I groaned and tried to get out of bed, but found I was being held down. I looked down at the tatooed arm holding me close to a sleeping figure. I smiled and moved a little bit and kissed Zacky on the lips. I kept pecking is face until he finally began to stir and his grip on my loosened.

"Morning." He said slowly opening his eyes. He smiled at me and kissed me softly. "I like waking up like this."

"Me too." I said and snuggled closer to him. "But we have to get up. I'ts a long drive back." I said into his chest.

"UGH!" He groaned. "Fine." He kissed me once more and we got out of the bed. He let me shower first and got in as soon as I stepped out fully ready for the day. I left the room and went donstairs. I looked into the livingroom and saw everybody in there talking.

"Hey." I said. They all turned to me and smiled. "What?"

"Have fun last night?" Jimmy asked winking at me. "If you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes, walked over to him, and smacked i upsaide the head. "We didn't do anything besides sleep. Fully clothed. I hit him again and walked over to the empty chair, sitting down in it.

"Where's Zacky?" Matt asked softly as he rubbed his forhead.

"Shower." I said and looked aorund. "Where is all the bags?"

"Packed." Syn said. "Into whatever car each person is riding in. Your stuff is in Zacky's car, as well as his and Johnny's. Jimmy's, Cyndal's and mine are in Cyndal's car. Ryan's, Matt's, Ashley's, and Harely's are in Matt's rig." I nodded. A few minutes later Zacky came into the room, pulling me off the chair I was sitting on and sat down.

"Hey!" I cried. He just snickered. "I was sitting there." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto his lap.

"See you're still sitting here." He chucked and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his checst and looked at everyone again.

"When should we leave?" I asked.

"It's 9:15 now, so soon." Johnny said. Everyone got up and we all got ready to go. We piled into the different cars and took off down the street.

"What do you want to listen to?" I asked Zacky and Johnny as I flipped through many cds.

"Iron Maiden." Johnny cried at the same time as Zacky cried out "us." I laughed and shook my head. I decided that the first cd out of the two that I came across I would put in. It turned out the be Iron Maiden.

"Johnny wins." I said as I put the cd in.

"YAY!" Johnny exclaimed from the back seat. Zacky just grunted. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and took my hand in his. He drove on. The music flowed through the speakers and I began to think again, always a bad sign. *How will everyone back home react to the guys? How will my family react to my dating Zacky? Why do I want him to meet my family? They might scare him away from me.* I was staring out the window, absentmidedly singing the lyrics of the cd that was on.

"Why don't you sing more often?" Zacky asked, squeezing my hand. That drug me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, shaking my head a bit. I turned to face Zacky, to see both him and Johnny looking at me.

"I asked 'Why don't you sing more often?'" Zacky said, turning back to the road in front of him.

"Um.. cuz I hate the sound of my voice." I said and shrugged.

"Well, I think your voice is beautiful." Johnny said, poking his head in between the seats.

"Yeah it is." Zacky agreed. "You should really sing more often." We continued on with this conversation for awhile longer.

~Matt's P.O.V. same time as above was going on~
I was letting ryan drive my car. Ashley was sprawled out in the front seat, dead tot he living world at the moment. I was sitting in the back seat next to Harley. She looked like she was about to fall asleep. I put my arm around her and pulled her into me. She rested her head on my chest and began to fall asleep.

I looked down at her sleeping form and admired her beauty. She is perfect in ever single way. I tightened my grip around her and looked out the window at the scenery passing by. I am going to ask her out, but I odn't know when. Should I wait til the trip is over? Thoughts like these kept passing through my mind until I figured out the perfect way to ask her out.

"What's up?" Ryan asked as he looked back at me through the rearview mirror.

"Just thinking." I shrugged, trying no to wake Harley up.

"About?" He pushed.

"The angel in my arms." I smiled and looked back down at Harley.

'She is beautiful." Ryan agreed end turned onto the highway. "Are you going to get together with her?"

"I wanna try, why?" I asked cocking my head slighly to the left.

"No reason." He said casually. "I just wanted to know."

I raised my eyebrow at him and turned to look out the window.
~End P.O.V.~
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heehee its cute....