Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

You Must Be Mistaken

He looked at me and smiled. "I need to tell you this." His smiled disappeared and he took a deep breath. "Basically I have known Stephanie my entire life and we started dating in highschool, at age 17. We were together for 4 years, and we were even engaged. She left me at the alter. That was four years ago. To be honest, I wasn't fully over her until just recently. I still love her, but I know I deserve better than that. You are the first girl I have cared for since her." He said softly. I could hear the sadness seeping through his words.

"No you don't deserve that. Did she ever say why she left?" I asked pulling him into my arms.

"She called about two years after she left and said that she had no choice. She said she had cheated on me with several guys and...... a woman." He said into my shoulder. I felt my shoulder getting wetter and wetter as he started to cry. "She said she felt to guilty to stay with me and that she loved me."

"Oh hun." I held him tighter and started rubbing his back. "How could she do that to you? Obviously she didn't really love you. Well, I am going to tell you this now, I will never stray from this relationship and I will always remain faithful to you. You mean more to me than that."

"Thank you. I'm sorry you had to find out about this mess like this. I was planning on telling you." Zacky pulled away and kissed me on the lips. "Want to go back in?" He asked.

"Only if you are ready to." I sai and looked into his eyes. "I'm here for you."

He nodded. "Let's go in." He took my hand in his and we slowly walked back into Wendy's. When we went inside all our friends and Stephanie the girl stared at us. I squeezed Zacky's hand in confort. We walked over to the table and stood next to Matt.

"You ok, man?" Matt asked, putting his hand on Zacky's shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks to Jess." He replied, smiling over at me. I squeezed his hand again and he smiled once again at me. "I can finally do what I have wanted to do for 4 years." I just looked over at him in ocnfusion. "Stephanie, I want my ring back and I want you to stay out of my life forever." He said bitterly, ripping my hand the whole time.

"No, you gave me this ring and I'm keeping it." She crossed ehr arms over her chest.

"Why are you still wearing it?" Johnny asked, grabbing her hand and staring at the ring with a pink ruby on it.

"Because as ar as I'm concerned we are still engaged. Yes, I did leave him at the alter, but we NEVER ended our relationship." She tore her hand out of his grasp and turned towards me. "Now as for you, get your filthy hands off my fiance."

"Excuse me, bitch." I said, quite taken back. "You must be mistaken."

"Jess, babe, calm down." Zacky said softly into my ear. "I will fix this."

"Ok." I siad looking over at him.

"Stephanie, if you think we are still together, fine live in your fantasy, but I am telling you this now. We are over and I have moved on. I want my ring back and then i never want to see you again. You are no longer part of my life." He said harshly. "Oh, and don't ever talk to my girlfriend like that again or you will be sorry."

She took the ring off her shaking hand and threw it at Zacky, luckily Syn was able to catch it as it flew past Zacky's ear. "Fine." She stood up and walked away
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haha go Zacky. Jessica has a bit of a temper.... haha