Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

When Did This Happen?

I couldn't speak to answer him. I was so embarassed because of Harely. I simply nodded. He smiled at me and pulled out his cell. "Hold on." He turned away and dialed a number.

"Hey Matt...yup...listen can a few girls come over and meet the band?...Yeah I met them at Music World......yeah.....I'll explain later...ok. 8 it is. See ya then." He smiled and hung up his phone. He turned back around to face me with that huge grin on his face.

"Wanna hang with the band later?" he asked hopefully. Again, I just nodded, finding myself at a lack of words. "So whata re you doing til 8?" He asked as he went back to looking at the cd's. I looked at my phone. It was only 11 a.m.

"Well, my friends and I were going to the beach." I said softly. He looked over at me, once again smiling.

"Can I hang with you guys?" He asked turning his attention to a cd he found.

"Let me go ask my friends." I said, He nodded and I walked away to where my friends were standing.

"Jess, can we go yet?" Cyndal asked when I stood in front of them.

I shook my head. "Just listen for a second. Zacky Vengeance wants to hang with us til 8 then he wants us to meet the rest of Avenged Sevenfold. Can he hang with us?" I asked in one breath.

"Are you shitting me?" Cyndal asked surprised. I turned to lok over at Zacky, who was now watching us. I turned back to look at her.

"I am dead serious." I said with a smile on my face.

"Hell Yeah, Lets hang out with him." Harley said excitedly. "Oh, J, your dream may come true." She said and I laughed at her. I walked back to Zacky who was waiting anxiously to hear what they said.

"Yeah, it's cool." I said, causing him to smile again.

"Good. Come on. Now I am buying you guys food cuz I'm hungry." He said and began to walk off.

"Wait, do we have a choice in the matter?" I asked as I followed him.

"Nope." He said looking over his shoulder at me. His smile was just so addicting, whenever I saw it I felt like I needed to smile. He paid for the cd in his hand and we walked over to my friends.
"Guys, this is Zacky. Zacky, this is Cyndal, and I think you remember Harely." I said as I pointed to each girl. They all said hi to each other before we heard a girlish squeal. We all turned in the direction to see a blonde peppy chick pointing in our direction.

"Oh My God!!!!! Its Zacky Vengeance!" She squealed and came up to us. Zacky quickly grabbed my hand and faced the girl. "Can I have your autograph?" She asked excitedly, holding out the cd in her hand. "And are you single?" She asked rudly glaring at the three of us with Zacky.

"Here." He said and signed the cd. "Oh and I am not sinngle. Meet my girlfriend Jessica." He said holding up our linked hands. I whipped my head to look at him. She glared at me and nodded.

"Thank you." She said and left.

"When did this happen?" Cyndal asked raising her eyebrow at me.

"I have no clue." I stated looking over at the man next to me.

"Oh, I can explain. I find its much easier to face them and not run. They tend to follow you in groups." He said, advoiding why he said I was his girlfriend.

"But what about the girlfriend thing?" I asked putting my free hand on my hip.

"Oh, well if they find out your single, usually they stay longer. I was trying to get rid of her." He explained calmly. I nodded.

"Ok." I said and looked back at my confused friends. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked back at Zacky.

"So what's this about food?" Harley asked after a second. This caused both me and Cyndal to laughed at her. "What? I'm hungry." She stated.

"What else is new?" Cyndal said and laughed once again.

"Yeah I am going to take you guys all out for food." Zacky said looking at all three of us. He picked up his cd with his free hand, still not letting go of my hand, and pulled me out the door.

"Um... You still have ahold of my hand." I stated as I walked next to him along the sidewalk. He nodded before answering.

"I know. Do you have a problem with it?" He asked worridly as we walked down the almost deserted street? I just smiled and shook my head no. He looked over ast me with that smile on his face. "Good. I like holding your hand." He said softly so only I could hear. I felt my face going a deep red as I heard the giggling of my friends behind us.

"You're so cute together." Cyndal said with a huge grin. I rolled my eyes and looked forward to where we were walking.

Zacky and I started a covnersation about what kind of music we liked. He was shocked to hear that I went to the concert the Avenged Sevenfold played in Spokane, Washington the December before.
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Ok so this is really cheesy, but i like it....