Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

Can I Have My Hand Back?

"Where are we going?" Harely asked. I looked over my should to look at her. I just shrugged. I had no idea where Zacky wanted to go. He was the one leading me.

"You'll see. We are almost there." Zacky said as he smiled back at Harley and Cyndal. They returned the smile and went back to their conversation. I went back to my conversation with Zacky. We were discussing different bands and their techniques. I had even given him a review of his band. That was funny as I told him what I thought of Avenged Sevenfold.

After another five mintues of walking, Zacky stopped and turned us to face the other girls. "Here we are." I looked up at the building and saw that we were at a restraunt. It looked kinda posh, but relaxed at the same time. He smiled and pulled me into the building. I grabbed Cyndal's hand, who grabbed Harley and we all went inside.

"Hello, Zacky." A friendly looking hostess said as she noticed us all come in. I dropped Cyndal's hand and smiled at the girl. She looked voer at the group and saw that Zacky held my hand tightly in his. She made a face,k then straightened up as he spoke to her.

"Hey, Sarah. We need a table for four." He said, not noticing the jealousy in Sarah. She smiled again and led us to a table. She handed each of us a menu and walked away. Me and the other girls exchanged glances before looking at our menus.

"Um, Zacky?" I asked as I tried to go through the menu with one hand.

"Yes?" He asked, turning away from the menu to look at you.

"Can I have my hand back so I can look at the menu and stuff?" I asked quietly to him. He looked kinda sad at first then smiled.

"Sure." He let go of my hand and went back to his menu.

"Thanks." I said and rubbed it to get some feeling back into it. I began to flip through the menu looking for something that looked good.

"Hello, my name is Jackson. I will be your waiter tonight, can I get you anything to drink?" A tall guy with dark brown hair and dull brown eyes said, standing next to our table. We all gave him your drink order and he walked away.

"Girls, go ahead and get whatever you want." Zacky said as he closed his menu, as if saying he had decided. I smiled at him and looked back at the open menu in front of you. I had decided on the chicken parmesian, your favorite.

Jackson came back with our drinks and took our orders. Once he left again, Zacky started conversation.
"So, where do you guys come from?" He asked as he looked at each of us.

"Well, we live in North Idaho." Cyndal said casually.

"What are you doing down here?" He asked, even though I had told him eariler.

"Our car broke down." Harely said and she stared at him, as if in awe. I burst out laughing at the look on her face, causing everyone to look at me. I shook my head and regained myself.
"Whats so funny, J?" Harley asked.

"Just the awestruck look on your face, once again." I said and laughed a little more. She blushed and looked away. We talked about our lives back in Idaho until our food came. It was silent as everyone began to eat.

After a few minutes, Harely decided to speak again. "So what are we doing after this?" She said, taking another bite of her pasta.

"I thought we were going to the beach?" Cyndal said confused.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, forgot." She said and we all laughed.

"Zacky, do you know any great spots at the beach that we should go to?" I asked as I cut off a piece of my chicken.

He began to list off ideas. "But you have to drive to most of them. Oh I have an idea, I'll drive you." He said and looked at us. We all nodded. Today will be interesting. Once we were done eating, Zacky paid and grabbed my hand as we left again. I looked over at him, giving him a confused look.

"What? I like the feeling of your hand in mine." He said simply. He led us to a black Escalade, the the music store we met at. We all got in, after he unlocked it, and buckled up. He pulled out of the parking spot and headed off to a beach spot he claimed that we ahd to see.

We hung out at the beach til about 7 pm, when Zacky asked us if we wanted to go back to the hotel to change. We all agreed and got back into the car. He took us to our hotel and waited for us to showeer and stuff. Once we were ready, we had five mintues to get to where we were meeting up with the rest of the guys.

As the girls and I stood in the abthroom, we had a quiet conversation. "I'm so nervous." Was the main thing that came from our mouths. We didn't know what to expect of the guys, but we wanted to meet them.
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It gets more interesting soon enough