Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

That Was Hot

After we finshed eating, we just sat around the table hanging out and talking and goofing off.

"Do you girls have anywhere you have to be in the next little while?" Johnny asked us, taking a sip of his drink.

"Nope, we actually are free until our car is fixed." I said, looking at the other girls, who just nodded.

"Great." Matt said and smiled. "You girls can chill with us." The rest of the guys agreed. "So, do you wanna hang with us at my house tonight?" He asked after everyone stopped talking again.

"Girls, what do you have?" Harley asked me and Cyndal. Her eyes were pleading with us to go. I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm cool with it." I said and Cyndal said. "Me too."

"Awesome. Lets go." Jimmy said and helped Cyndal out of her chair. Matt helped Harley, and Zacky helped me. We all left the restraunt and piled into separate cars. Harley rode with Matt and Brian, Cyndal rode with Jimmy and Johnny, and I was left with Zacky. As he drove, Zacky took my hand in his again and smiled at me.

"You must really like my hand." I said and laughed.

"Your hand, and much much more." He said, causing me to blush a deep red. He smiled over at me again and then turned his attention back to the road. He drove to a large house and pulled into the driveway. The others were already here. We got out of the car and walked into the house. Matt already had music playing and everyone was sitting around the livingroom.

"Took you too long enough." Brain said. I looked over at him and he winked at us. I laughed and walked over and sat on Harley's lap. I rested my head on her shoulder. She placed her hands on my hip to hold me onto her lap. The guys looked at us curiously.

"What?" I asked, not moving my head.

"Nothing, except thats hot." Johnny said. "Are you two...?"

Cyndal, Harley and I all laughed. Cyndal was the first one to stop laughing. "No they are just really close."

Johnny nodded. "Ok, but it's still hot." He said, the guys agreeing with him.

"We can mess with them though." I whispered in Harley's ear. I looked over at Cyndal and winked. I got off of Harley and we switched spots so she was on my lap. She turned around so she was straddling me. She leaned forward and pecked me on the lips. I ran my hands down her back and pulled her closer to me. The guys wolf-whistled and Harley pulled away and moved back to face them.

"Like Johnny said, that was hot." Zacky said smirking at us. We laughed and I wrapped my arms around Harley and she leaned back against me.

"But its wrong. Like making out with my sister. Hence the peck." Harley said, getting confortable. "We are just really confortable and close with each other."

"Yeah, it's just fun to mess with people." I said and rested my head on Harley's shoulder.

"Damn." Matt said and smiled. "I can get used to you two being around and hanging off each other." Everyone laughed at this.

We all hung out and talked for a few more hours before I began to feel tired. I yawned.
"Guys, we gotta go back to the hotel." Cyndal said, yawning too.

"I have an idea. How about you go back to the hotel and get your things, check out and stay here?" Matt said hopefully.

"Sure." Cyndal said and glanced at me and Harley. I shrugged, not really caring one way or another. and Harley nodded.

"Great." Zacky said and stood up. "I'll take you to get your stuff." We got up and left.
Back at the hotel, we gathered our things and took them out to Zacky's car. Harely and Cyndal went to go check out as I stood outside with Zacky. He was really excited that we were staying with them. When Harley and Cyndal returned, we all got into the car and went back to the house.

Back at the house, Matt showed us where we would be sleeping and left us for the night. We got ready for bed and slid under neath the covers and slid into our beds. We talked about our day and how wonderful the little mishap of our trip was turning out to be.
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So..... yeah I am updating this thing like reallyu fast for my buddie Tara...... So the sonner I get this out, the sooner she gets my sequel