Sequel: Dear God

Eat Your Heart Out

Oh My God

"Um... ok." Syn said and looked at us with a confused expression on his face. "But why did you introduce her as your girlfriend tonight?"

"Well, I definitely couldn't say one of the other girls were my girlfriend when people already think Jess is my girlfriend." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. We just dropped the subject and left the diner in the same cars as before, with addition to Ryan's car.

~3 Weeks Later~
Over the last three weeks Harley, Cyndal, and I grew really close to the guys, Ryan, and Ashley. Ryan and Ashley crashed over at Matt's house almost every other night. I was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee when Cyndal came into the room. She looked rather upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked setting my mug on the table. I stood up and walked over to her.

"Well, the car is fixed and the repair shop called my parents saying that it was done. Mom wants us to head home now." She said softly, placing her hands on teh counter in front of her.

"Shit." I said and walked over to the door of the kitchen. "Harely, get your ass down here now." I called. A minute later Harley came into the room. She took one look at our faces and knew something as wrong.

"Car is fixed and Cyndal's mom wants us back." I said saldy.

"Oh no." She said and sat at the table. "I don't wanna go."

"I know. None of us want to leave but we have to." Cyndal said joining Harley at the table. I sat down as well and stared at my fidgiting hands. "How are we going to tell everyone?" Cyndal asked looking over at me.

"I don't know." I said. Suddenly the front door flew open and the guys came into the house. They were laughing as they walked into the quiet kitchen. As soon as they saw us sititng there they stopped laughing and stared at us.

"Guys, whats wrong?" Johnny asked coming us to stand next to us.

"Um... I really don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. Our car is fixed and we have to go back to Idaho" I said not loooking at anybody.

"When are you leaving?" Jimmy asked, sorrow filling his voice.

"Soon, so probably tomorrow morning." Cyndal answered.

"Dammit, You guys can't leave us." Syn declared as he wrapped his arms protectively around the nearest of us to him, Harley. He hugged her and stepped away.

"We have to." I said sadly. "Its not by choice. We don't want to leave."

"Why do you have to go?" Matt asked as he placed his hands on the back of my chair.

"My mom wants to car back now that it's fixed." Cyndal sighed. "We gotta go."

"UGH!!! No." Zacky said stubbornly. "We won't let you go."

"Guys we have to. Plus your probably going on tour soon, and if you ever go back to Washington or anywhere near Idaho we will be there front row center." Harley explained looking around at the five sad guys in the room.

"Promise?" They all asked us at once. We nodded.

"We have to go pack." You guys should plan our last night here and include Ryan and Ashley." I said and stood up. Harley and Cyndal followed me out of the room and up the stairs. We went into the room we were sharing.

"Gah!!! This is too sad." Harley shouted as she hopped on the bed and sprawed out over her things.

I made my way over to the bed and patted Harley on the back.

"I know, but they'll come to Spokane and we'll see them again." I said trying to consule my friends.

"UGH! My mom sucks balls!" Cyndal screamed as she raised her fists in the air and started shaking them. We agreed and started laguhing. Just then there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." We all three called in unison.

"Actually I wanted to talk to Jessica alone.... Jess, its Zacky. Would you come out here for a minute?" Zacky's smooth voice came through the door.

"Um... sure." I said. I shrugged to my friends and opened the door. Zacky grabbed my hand and led me down the hall into an empty bedroom. He sat me on the bed.

" I know this is really bad timing, but... I like you, a lot, I have since the first time I saw you." He said nervously. "Sorry. I should have told you sooner and its realt means nothing now since you are leaving tomorrow... I just thought I should tell you."

Hearing all this kinda put me into a state of shock. I was sitting next to the boy who I obsessed over for years, and he was telling me that he liked me, and all I could say in reply was "ok." I got up and lef the room, still in my daze.

~Zacky's P.O.V.~
*What the hell?!?!?! I am such a idiot!!!! Why did I do that?! Now she hates me or thinks I am some sort of a creep ass or something. UGH!!!!* I thought to myself. *"Ok." All she said was 'Ok' No, it is NOT ok!! Why did I do that?!?*
~End P.O.V.~

"Um, Zacky just told me he likes me." I said blankly, still with the deer caught in the headlights look on my face.

"OMG!!!!" Cyndal and Harley exclaimed and hopped on me, and bouncing on the bed I was sitting on. "What did you say?"

"I said 'Ok' then got up and left." i said blankly.

"Ok?! The man of your dreams says he likes you and al you say is 'ok'?" Harley shouted and smacked me upside the head. That seemed to knock me out of my daze.

"Oh My GOD! Your right. What the hell was I thinking? What the hell is my problem? I have to talk to him." I cried and ran out of the room. I ran into the room I left Zacky in to see him still sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. "I like you too." I cried from the doorway, startling Zacky so bad that he fell off the bed and landded on the floor.

"Really?" He asked sheepisly as he stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Yes really. I have for years. I was just kinda shocked when you told me that you liked me too and I couldn't think straight." I said, walking over to him.

"Well... good." Zacky said as a childish grin grew on his face and he started blushing like a mad man. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Let's go make plans for tonight."

"Alright." I said and wrapped my arms around him and held him there for a few minutes. "You know, now I definitely don't want to leave."
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