Status: Paused

Baby Come On

You Can See Him

Leah placed the letter on the counter. She seemed to be in a trance, moving like a zombie to her bedroom where Nathan was asleep. Her motions were robotic, as if programmed into her. She leaned down and gave her son a kiss on the head, her hair tickling his face. Her eyes were blank as she made her way to the bathroom. She followed her night routine and was soon in bed. She did not go to sleep. She sat in bed, back up against the headboard, staring blankly ahead. The light on her bedside table was the only light source in the room. It made the white walls appear a golden yellow. The clock on her bed side table read 10:39 PM. Leah tried to shake herself out of the trace. When she re-gathered her thoughts, she decided she would write her letter to Alex right after she dropped Nathan off at Marie's.


Nathan woke his mother early the next morning, much to her dismay. Leah shooed her son to the living room while she got ready for the day. When finished her morning routine she readied her son for his Aunt's house. While she tugged a shirt over her son's head Leah told him, "You're going to Aunt ReRe's for a little while. Mommy has to take care of something."

"Can't I help you Momma?" Nathan asked.

"Not this time baby boy. Go put your shoes on for me?"

"Okay Momma," Nate said before turning and running into his closet.

Leah packed a few things for Nate and soon Nate was out in the living room. After Leah dropped her son off, she returned to her apartment. She grabbed a notepad from the kitchen counter and a pen from her dresser. She sat on the couch and placed the paper and pen on the coffee table in front of her. For a couple of minutes, Leah did nothing but stare at that pen and paper. Finally, she picked up the pen and began to write.

Leah stood in front of Alex's door for who knows how long. She was fighting with her self. Should she talk to Alex? Should she hand him the note and run? Should she slip it under the door? After five more minuets of arguing she slipped the envelope under the door, knocked once, and fled the building.


Alex was working on a paper when he heard a knock on the door. He wasn't expecting anyone. He was halfway out of his room before he realized who it was. He ran the rest of the way to the front door and flung it open. There was nothing there. Leah wasn't there. Alex sighed and hung his head, but something caught his eye. There, on the floor, in all innocence, was a small blue envelope. Alex hurriedly bent down to pick up the envelope. He tore the top open and pulled out a folded piece of paper. As he unfolded the note he sat down on his living room couch. The scrawl was barely readable which meant it was written in a hurry, but it was noticeably Leah's script.


You can see him. My house while I'm at work. Marie will be there.


Alex re-read the note over and over again. He would see his son again and because of that he was extremely happy.


Leah's hands shook as she readied herself for work. Marie was late, as usual, to watch Nate until Alex came. As if on cue, Leah heard her sister enter and call her name.

"I'm in the bathroom!" Leah shouted back.

Marie was soon in the door way, Nate on her hip.

"Are you worried?" Marie asked.

"What kind of question is that, Re? Of course I'm worried! What if Alex tells-" Leah stopped herself remembering Nate was in Marie's arms, "N-a-t-e the t-r-u-t-h?" she finished.

"He wouldn't do that to you, Leah. He loves you. Remember?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna be late," Leah said putting down the mascara she had previously been applying.

Marie moved aside to let her sister out of the bathroom. Leah passed, giving her son a peck on the cheek, and quickly grabbed her coat off the couch. In a flash, Leah was out the door. Her thoughts were anxious as she hurried down the hall. She didn't even notice the person walking straight towards her. In two seconds she was on the floor.

"Oh my God. I'm-"

Leah looked up. God surely did not like her today.


Alex was up early that morning. He was excited to see Nathan. As he dressed he thought of what he could do with Nate today. Maybe they would watch movies like old times. Alex played with his thick brown hair for an hour be fore he decided it looked right. Leah still wouldn't be at work for another 15 minutes. Alex tried to occupy himself with something, but he failed miserably. He resorted pacing the living room for ten minutes.

5:00. He should be safe now.

Alex threw on his jacket and practically sprinted out the door and across the quad. His breaths were heavy and her really wasn't looking where he was going. Alex doubled steps as he made his way to the second floor. He was sure he woke some tenants when he tripped on the last step and crashed into the opposite wall. He stood quickly and began jogging, brushing himself off as he went. His body soon came in contact with another, causing the other to land on their bum.

"Oh my God. I'm-" but Alex stopped mid-sentence. God sure did like him today.
♠ ♠ ♠
Make a wish.
