The Second Summer

Everyones back at camp rock. Including Pete Wentz's daughter!

*I know bad discription, interesting story!*


Blair Antoinette Teresa Wentz 16

You are considered a scene kid. You dye your hair but its originally black. Your 15 and yes your Pete Wentz’s daughter. You’ve been going to Camp Rock for about four years. You didn’t go last year because you wanted to go on tour with you Dad. Your Dad and the rest of Fall Out Boy are going on tour again this summer so since you wanted to hang out with some of your friends this summer you decided not to go on tour and you and your band are going to Camp Rock. I understand Pete is only 29, so that would have made him 14, so just pretend you weren’t born till he was 16 or something, k? You’re the lead singer in your band and you can play guitar, bass, and drums, you just prefer singing. Your band is called Teenage Rebellion.

Aidan Stump 16 (dyed hair!)

He’s the lead guitarist and your best friend. He went with you the first summer you went to Camp Rock, your Dad and his brother obviously know each other and for those of you who don’t know, Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz are both in Fall Out Boy, and yes he dyed his hair. You’ve known each other forever and grew up together. He’s very protective of you and he thinks of you like a sister and vise versa, though some people have the impression you’re dating.

Corey James 16

He’s the bassist of your band and a total sweetie…when he’s not with the other guys. He think's he's a vampire and doesn't like the sun. He’s known you for about four years now. You both met the first summer at Camp Rock and you introduced him to Aidan. He doesn’t care that your dad is famous but loves fall out boy. His parents are big shot business people so yeah he’s rich. He’s been best friends with Rory forever.

Rory Winters 16

The individual. We asked if being an individual meant looking like a girl and he threw my make-up that he was borrowing at us.he he. He’s the drummer of the band and a hilarious comedian. No matter what he can always make you smile…though half the time his jokes are a bit perverted. He joined the band the first summer like everyone else. His dad’s a music producer and his mom owns a record label so again rich. He’s been best friends with Corey forever.

Aaliyah Daniels 16

Keytarist extrodanair! Come one come all and you'll see her do one of two things. Make out with Jason and acting like a sugar high child with the rest of us! She's Andys cousin so she's known you and Aiden for a long time and she never let's you forget it!