Once Upon a Time

Chapter 3

Katie’s P.O.V.

It was lunch and I swear I wanted to run out of that cafeteria so fast! I mean I love my brother and his friends more than anything but seriously, do they have to eat like wolves! It’s sickening really, I mean I know guys usually have no table manners and are really messy eaters, but do they have to eat so much meat? I’m a vegetarian and I thought I would be sick just watching as they ate, and now I have to watch them eat animals as well? This was torture on my part.

I looked around the cafeteria and noticed the normal clicks: Jocks, Preps, Nerds, you know the usual. There was a loner here or there. I always wondered why they didn’t just sit together, but whatever.

I saw the usual outcast, and then I saw a different group. They weren’t eating or talking, they were just sitting there, but they were the most gorgeous people I had ever seen. Two girls and three guys, Were they related or friends? Who are they? Why isn’t anyone by them? The other students seemed to avoid them like the plague. The only thing I saw wrong with them was that dark circles were beginning to form under there eyes, that and one of the girls seemed really preppy and stuck up, but hey who am I to judge? Maybe they all had insomnia or something. They also happened to be a bit paler than normal. I know I’m not really one to talk, especially sitting with my brother and his friends, but still.

There was a boy sitting with them, wait no, not a boy. He was as my boarding school friend, destiny, would say a really hot guy who could be a compared to the Greek god Adonis. As shallow as the statement is she would be right. His skin looked liked marble (I told you it was white!), his facial features looked as if crafted by Michael Angelo, and no I’m not exaggerating it really did. What stood out most was the unusual shade of bronze colored hair, which contrasted against his flawless skin. If I ever become friends, or hopefully more, with this guy, I have got to get Destiny down here to meet him. But there was something else about him. It was as if I was drawn to him, but I knew I should be repulsed, if not frightened by him.

“Hey Katie, are you okay?” Jacob asked. I looked back at him and he was giving me a confused and worried look.

“Yes I’m fine, why?” I asked.

“Because you’ve barley touched your food,” He said. I looked down at my lunch tray. A half eaten peanut butter and banana sandwich, gummy bears, a half full bottle of apple juice and a snack pack of chocolate pudding. I started eating the gummy bears to make Jacob happy. When he seemed satisfied, I looked and Embry and Quill.

“Let me guess you two want my pudding cup?” I asked with a laugh. They nodded eagerly and I threw it at them. I laughed as they fought over the pudding cup. They were seriously such children some times.

Edward’s P.O.V.

We had been sitting at our lunch table, when Alice spoke. Of course no one but us could tell she was speaking considering her lips barley moved.

“There is a new girl with the werewolf’s. She’s looking over at us and studying us right now.” She said with a small smile on her face. It was as if Alice knew something more about the girl, but wouldn’t say anything. I’ll read her mind later. I looked over at the dog’s table, and there was a beautiful girl there next to Jacob. Blonde hair, porcelain skin, and a cross between a rocker chick and a tomboy type of look to her. She was still looking at us but you could hardly tell. I decided to have a little fun reading her mind.

‘There was a boy sitting with them…… could be a compared to the Greek god…… shallow as the statement…… looked liked marble…… crafted by Michael Angelo…… unusual shade of bronze…… contrasted against his flawless……’

That was weird. All I heard was bits and pieces thought I’m pretty sure she was talking about me since I’m the only one with Bronze, well anything really. But why couldn’t I hear her thoughts, It’s not as if she was a vampire, or else she wouldn’t be around the dogs. She couldn’t have been a werewolf or she would have noticed we were vampires and wouldn’t be thinking how I looked, she would be thinking about how she could kill me or what I was doing here. There was no way she was a demon with her angelic looks. I looked back at her and she was laughing at two of the dogs fighting over what appeared to be a pudding cup. Sometimes they were such children.
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