Once Upon a Time

Chapter 4

Katie's P.O.V.

During Quil and Embry's "pudding fight", the children, I felt someone staring at me. What am I thinking, of course SOMEONE is starring at me!I'm a freaking albimo, sitting with a bunch of six foot tall Quileute teenagers. Since I had been gone, not many people knew i was Jake's sister, but i was use to it by now. I finished my sandwhich and soon enough the bell rang. I got up and threw away my empty lunch bag and grabbed Embry and Quil so we could go to science. We waved goodbye to the others and left.

"So," i smirked, "Who won the pudding cup?" A look of despair flashed through their eyesand i cocked an eye brow.
"Paul," they said and looked as if they were about to cry. I burst out laughing as we entered science.

"It's not funny," Embry whined as we looked to the board to find our seats. They suddenly froze once they found out where we wee sitting. "What's wrong guys? Were in the back and I'm, sure you planned on copying me this year." I said and giggled as they grunted in response and followed me to the back.

They sat together on one side but i hesitated before sitting down. Why you ask? Simple, beacuse the hottie from lunch was my lab partner. Again he seemed familiar, oh well.
"Hi I'm Katie nice to meet you..." I trailed off at the end realizing i didn't know his name.
"Edward Cullen," He replied and I froze.

Edward's P.O.V.

After lunch i made my way to science alone. Once i found my seat in the back, I sat down and got out my supplies. Only seconds after i sat down i heard the laughter of children. Of course there were no children here, but who could have a laugh so innocent? I looked around the room until i settled on a group moving towards me. Two dog's and the girl from lunch. She giggled again and i knew it was here who had laughed seconds before.

The wolves sat down as the girl hesitated but sat down next to me quickly.
"Hey I'm Katie nice to meet you..." She trailed off.
"Edward Cullen," I replied and she froze. She must have heard the romurs abouit my family, and considering she's friends with the wolves it's no suprise.

"Something wrong?" I asked full well knowing the anwser.
"Oh no! It's just you remind me of someone. An old...friend." She said. The two boys looked at her, confusion written all oer their faces. What could she mean by that? Who would i remind her of? She wouldn't look me in the eye and kept her head down. What's wrong with her?
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way guy's,
there's a reason she finds Edward familiar,
but he doesn't find her familiar.
Think about that- Kitty.