Seem to Stop My Breath

Don’t you see? I’m the narrator and this is jus

Don't you see? I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue

The alarm clock woke him up for the first time ever. It was almost 4 PM. Gerard had to be at work in an hour. He stretched, yawned and reluctantly got out from under his black comforter. The blood red walls looked like real blood in the small amount of light filtering through the window shade that Mikey had obviously left open the night before. Cursing Mikey, Gerard crossed the room and shut the shade the other inch and a half. He walked into his attached bathroom and ran a comb through his shoulder length jet black hair. He glanced in the mirror and saw he was paler than normal, which was saying a lot. He made a metal note to do something about that tonight. Gerard threw on some pants and a shirt. His favorite jacket was no where to be seen. Gerard grabbed some socks and left his room and entered the dimly lit hallway. Living in the same house for his entire life though, meant that he didn’t have to worry about tripping or falling. Anyways he had excellent night vision. He walked down the long hallway and started silently down the sweeping staircase to the front room. Mikey was sitting on an antique couch immersed in a book. Mikey was there when Gerard came home, maybe he knew where his jacket was.

“Hey Mikey, where’s my jacket?”


“Jacket, it’s a thing you wear over your clothes to keep warm”

“Oh, I threw it in the wash”

“WHAT? It’s leather!”

“I’m kidding, chill, can’t be good for your blood pressure.”

“What pressure?”

“Damn straight”

Gerard checked the front hall closet to get his favorite black leather jacket. He hastily put it on and grabbed his keys from the table next to Mikey and walked out the front door. Gerard worked in the nearest town, which was close to a half an hour away. He always worked the evening shift at the bookstore in town. He loved working at night, he could go out into the sun, natural light. But he like the darkness, it made him feel more alive.

Roughly 28 minutes later Gerard pulled into the parking lot of the bookstore. He
went in the front door then headed to the back storeroom to punch in. When he went behind the register, Pete was already there, looking bored out of his mind. He was almost as pale as Gerard was.