Seem to Stop My Breath

And Oh, The Way Your Makeup Stains My Pillowcase L

And Oh, The Way Your Makeup Stains My Pillowcase Like I'll Never Be The Same
Cassie’s Point Of View

Gerard and I stood on the front porch looking out at the rain. There were several trees down, and no one would be able to move them until the morning. I shivered a little, the rain was lightening up, but it was still wet. Gerard wrapped his arms around be tighter. I felt so at home, so loved. He rested his head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear.

“You wanna go inside?”

He kissed me on the cheek and we turned around to find Mikey in the door way.

“Gerard, you, me, talk now.”

“Only if you stop talking like a caveman.”

“Okay, Gerard I need to talk to you know.”

“Cassie, stay here”


Mikey practically grabbed Gerard by the collar and dragged him inside. I stood watching Mikey and Gerard have a mini slap fight, then continue though the house and down one of the hallways. Crash appeared, and gave me a funny look.

“You know you don’t have to stand outside and wait for him, I don’t think he meant in the rain
when he said stay here.”

“Oh, yeah”

“Come on, come inside, you’re really wet.”

“I know, hey do you know what they’re talking about?”

“No idea probably has something to do with you.”

She tossed her black and midnight blue hair, so that it fell in her eyes. She stood there waiting for me to ask the next question. Crash got tired of waiting and grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. She shut the door and waited again.

“Why would they be talking about me?”

“Because, it’s against Coven rules for a mortal to spend the night”


“Well, first of all, for sucking the life out of people, vampires are quite moral. I’m sure you’ve
seen it with Gerard; he holds the door open for you all the time. He’s, every guy here, is a perfect gentleman.”

“Yeah, I noticed. It’s nice though, to be treated like you’re a living god.”

“It is nice isn’t it? Well, it’s just the way they were raised. Mikey and Gerard have lived here their entire lives. Ray, Bob and Frank moved in when they turned 20. When you move in, you have to go through an initiation ceremony, which includes following all the Coven rules. One of which is practically hero worshiping women, not that any of us object to it. Another one, this rule sucks, is no premarital sex. All covens have that rule. Something about “no vampire should be born a bastard.” But with that rule, comes many other, no spending the night in the opposite sex’s room and stuff like that. Which are not as strictly enforced as the no-sex rule. Again, doesn’t make sense doesn’t it?”

“No, why all the weird rules?”

“Well, from what I understand, all the Coven, or House rules, comes from the first collection
of Vampires who were hardcore Christians. To me, Christians and vampires don’t mix but whatever. But you, however, do not fall into the group of people who must follow these rules.”


Crash gave me the strangest look. It was a “you’re so slow aren’t you” look. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as if she was trying to calm herself. I noticed we were the only ones in the room, everyone else had disappeared.

“You’re mortal. You are not one of us. You don’t have to follow the rules. Gerard does unfortunately. He’s in a precarious situation. As the temporary head of out little homestead, he is authorized to break several rules, and his parents would be none the wiser. So, he’s already committed to you spending the night. And trust me, you can’t go anywhere. But if others find out, you could be in danger.”

“Danger? Where the hell am I?”

“Did Gerard tell you about Andy’s House?”

“All he said was that they were vampires too.”

“Okay, well, see, we’re friends with them. But there are certain covens who think vampire blood is precious. They don’t want outsiders, as in people who have been bitten, like me, to become vampires. There aren’t any of those covens around here, but there is a roaming gang that vowed to destroy any relationship a mortal has with a vampire.”

“This goes really deep”

“Yep, but don’t worry, this is all my speculation about what they are talking about.”

Crash walked away with a mischievous smile on her face. I don’t know how long I stood there, but eventually Gerard reappeared.

“You okay Cass?”

“Yeah, just had a chat with Crash”

“Oh, yeah I stand all confused just like that after she talks to me.”

“Good, so I’m not the only one.”

“Yep, hey wanna go upstairs and watch a movie with everyone else?”

“I’d love to”

Gerard led me up the gigantic staircase, and around a corner, to another
staircase, not as ornate, but still incredibly intricate. When we got to the top of the stairs I realized I was in the private part of the house. I had a feeling that this part of the house would normally be off limits to most people. Gerard and I walked down one hallway, then another until we finally reached a door that looked like all the other doors on that floor. He opened it for me and I walked into the semi darkness. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could make out the out lines of Ray and Tes arguing over which movie to watch. I laughed and Gerard grabbed my waist from behind.

“What’s so funny?”

“Ray and Tes”

“Yeah, they’re pretty funny to live with too.”

Eventually they settled on the movie Young Frankenstein. The room was a gigantic home theater, complete with different levels so everyone could see the movie. Gerard led me up some tiny steps to a couch furthest back in the room. We were at least four feet above the floor, it was weird to see the room from this high. It consisted of a projection TV, the projector was right above us, and about ten couches, arranged so that everyone could see the TV. Big comfy chairs littered the room, also spaced at different heights. Gerard lay down on the couch, and looked up at me. I looked back at him and crawled into his arms. He kissed the back of my neck, I kissed him back. Suddenly Ana cried out.

“Hey you two, watch the movie and respect the no sex in the theater rule!”

We laughed and I looked back at the screen to see the movie start.

Around 3 AM Gerard and I decided it was time to go to bed. I was supposed to be staying in one of the guest rooms. On the second floor. First though I had to stop in Gerard’s room to get something to wear to sleep. I walked into his room and looked around at the blood red walls and his black silk comforter. I sat on the edge of his bed while he looked for something for me to wear. I grabbed one of his pillows and hugged it. It smelled exactly like the cologne he always wears. Gerard found some clothes for me to wear and handed them to me.

“You can either change in my bathroom or in your private on in your room.”

“Yours” I said playfully, heading toward the door to his private bathroom.

I came out dressed in a tee and pair of black pajama pants with sculls on them.
He was sitting on the bed, his shirt un-tucked and looking completely relaxed as he waited for me so he could show me to my room. I crossed the room in a couple of strides as he stood up. I started to kiss him, I leaned back and fell on to his bed. He straddled my hips and started to kiss my jaw line. I caught my breath and kissed him again, this time, harder than before. He seemed willing to do anything that I wanted to do. My hands found their way to the bare skin just above his hips. His shirt, un-tucked , hung loosely form his body. He started to kiss my jaw again and made his way towards my neck. I turned my head, revealing my entire neck to him, and let out a small moan. He started to kiss my neck, and I got caught up in the moment.

“Bite me”
He stopped, and looked me straight in the eyes.

“Bite me, make me a vampire”

He got off of me but looked at me with an incredibly sad glance.

“I can’t”

“What do you mean you can’t? It can’t be that hard? You bite people all the time.”

“I do, but, I can’t bring myself to do that to you.”


“You don’t know the pain you’ll go through, now, being a vampire may seem like a great
idea, but it’s a cursed life, and I don’t want to put you through it. I love you”

Now I was mad. What was he saying? I love you but not enough to spend all eternity with you. That’s what love is. Someone willing to spend the rest of their life with the same person.

“You love me so you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

At this point I was sitting up. Looking at Gerard furiously.

“Cassie, look, it’s just not as easy as it seems.”


That was the only thing I could say. I stormed out of his room, and slammed his
door. Tears welling up in my eyes, I ran down the two staircases. When I got to the entry way
I realized I had nowhere to go. I couldn’t get out of the house, the roads were blocked. I wasn’t about to go back upstairs. So I looked around the room. In one dark corner I saw a couch; it looked like the most comfortable one in the room. I collapsed onto the sofa, still crying, and slowly fell asleep.