Seem to Stop My Breath

Stop, Turn, take a look around

Stop, turn, take a look around
Gerard’s point of view[size]

The morning I was to meet with Cassie’s father, I woke up with Cassie in my arms. The night before, she had slipped into the bed next to me in tears. I couldn’t tell her to leave when she was crying. She wouldn’t tell me what was wrong; I don’t know what could have bothered her that much. I shrugged it off and started to rub her back. She eventually fell asleep, and I really felt guilty for having to wake her up now.
“Cassie, wake up, it’s 10:30”
She rolled over enough to let me slip out of the bed. I kissed her on the forehead and went to go take a shower. I hopped in the shower and got dressed. When I was ready to leave, Cassie was still sound asleep. I walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead again. She looked straight at me, apparently, she wasn’t asleep.
“Hey Cass, you can stay here as long as you want.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’ve got some stuff to take care of”
“I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
After a quick kiss, I headed downstairs to grab my keys. Ray came in the door holding the mail and the newspaper. He saw me and headed toward me. Ray dropped the mail on a small end table and headed up the stairs. When he was about to pass me he spun around and tapped my shoulder.
“Rumor has it that the Forus have left town.”
“She’s staying here”
“I know that, I’m just telling you”
He smiled and headed back up the stairs in the direction of his and Tessa’s room. If the Forus had truly left town it would be safe for Cassie to go home. At least after she was done transforming, I don’t want her in her apartment alone if she’s still not a vampire. I don’t want to loose her. I got into my car and made to the restaurant before her dad did. Giving me some time to pump myself up. Ten minutes later he walked in and spotted me at the table. He sat down, looking incredibly pissed. I though why, then I remember, it was me. I looked into his eyes, the same color green as Cassie’s.
“Hello sir.”
“Afternoon Gerard.”
“How are you?”
Great, he was in a bad mood, or again, it could be me.
“Gerard, I’m going to be completely honest.”
“Why did you do that to Cassie? She didn’t deserve it. I would have rather you killed her then.”
“I would never kill her, I love her, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He surveyed me though those ever so familiar eyes. Trying to find a lie in my face.
“If you love her, why did you do it then?”
“She was in more danger then, than in her entire life.”
Fuck, I was going to try and not tell him that a wandering gang of vampires was out to kill Cassie, because she was my girlfriend. Now, to skirt around the topic. Good thing the restaurant was loud. Or else the entire world would know.
He practically screamed it right as our waiter came to take out order. I ordered, and then he did, never taking his eyes off of me.
“Gerard Way, what do you mean by “she was in more danger then”?”
“Sir, there is an entire underworld that you don’t know about. There is a particular group of people who would kill Cassie could they lay their hands on her.”
“What? What did you do to make them want to kill her?”
“What did I do to make them prejudice? Nothing, but that doesn’t change the fact that Cassie is mortal. Or, is right now, soon she won’t be. Which leads to me biting her.”
“You didn’t answer the question. You deliberately didn’t answer the question.”
“This gang of sorts, hates when people like .. Me date or marry mortals. They see them as second class citizens. Before, I saw no need to make Cassie one. She wanted to be one, in fact, that was the first time we fought. She wanted to be turned, I didn’t want to condemn her like that.”
“Then why did you do it?”
“Because I love her, don’t you understand that? I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and I’ll be a long life. I couldn’t stand by and watch her get older while I stayed whatever age I want for all eternity. Plus, her life was threatened.”
“Her life was threatened?”
He seemed to be warming up to me, did he like me? No, but it was a start. Until I could show that I loved his daughter with my entire heart, I doubt he’d accept me.
“Yes, I was dropping her off, when two members of my house appeared. They told me that the gang was out for blood.”
Bad move Gerard. Really bad.
“Out for blood? Isn’t that what your life revolves around?”
“I didn’t drink her blood. She would be dead if I did.”
“And how do I know she isn’t dead, you won’t let me see her.”
Stalemate. He would never believe me. Unless he saw Cassie.
“Fine then, tomorrow night. 7 pm. Dinner.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“I guess so.”
The rest of lunch went well actually. I think the dinner invitation calmed his fears. That was odd though, because if I was invited to a vampire’s house for dinner, I’d think I was dinner.