Seem to Stop My Breath

Conversation Got Me Here, Another Night Alone In T

Conversation Got Me Here, Another Night Alone In This City
Cassie's Point Of View

I can’t believe he actually gave me his number. There’s just something about him that makes me want to trust him. I’ve had boyfriends that I’ve dated for months and not felt that comfortable around. I’ve actually dreamed about him, and I only learned his name today. I’m such a girl. Well it’s time to close up, I’ve got a twenty minute walk home to think about this more.

I cleaned Swiffered the floors of the drug store. Not that there is much need. There is a constant stream of people here in the summer, it’s kind of a resort town., But now, winter. Claire left as soon as we closed, leaving me to clean up. After I counted the money from my register, I walked to the back door. I wasn’t worried to walk home alone. It’s January, and a cold one at that. No one is ever outside. I locked the front door, and proceeded to exit into the alley. I looked around. No one in sight, as usual. It was after midnight, not even the weird creepy predators were out this late. This town didn’t have much of a night life. Shutting the door, I transferred my purse to my shoulder and started home. I got one of those feeling I was being followed, I wasn’t, but I still walked faster. Heading out of the downtown area. Now I knew someone was following me, and stupid me looked behind me. I was shoved against a hard brink wall. My head hit it so hard I saw spots. I could barely focus, my head was spinning. The guy smiled with a odd glint in his eye, then he leaned in with his mouth open toward my neck. I fought back, he was going to bite me like he was some type of vampire. Vampires aren’t real, they can’t hurt anyone seriously. Even the people who think they are vampires really aren‘t. I was still in his grasp, I had virtually no chance of getting away. My assailant looked me straight in my eyes. There was a weird hunger in his face, which only made me struggle more. He smiled, sadistically, purposefully showing his teeth. Apparently I was wrong, he had fangs, and sharp looking ones like that, I screamed as he tried to pin me against the wall. I attempted in vain to fight back.