This Is for Keeps

For shizzle?

“We’re going party! Party! Party! Party all night long baby!” Kaehla squeaked bouncing on my bed. I laughed and rolled my eyes at her childish behavior. Pft, like I’m any better. We had just gotten back from shopping a while ago and my dad had announced we were going to have a party, and the whole apartment complex was invited. This meant, the guys finally would get a chance to meet Gerard.

“Johnny Christ, Kaehla! What genius gave you sugar?” I said.

“You did, of course.”

“No I didn’t.”

“You’re presence is sweet,” she laughed like and idiot and I rolled my eyes while walking out into my room and bumping into Ray, who was eating a bag of Twizzlers.

“You know, a big huge lot of people are going to be here.” he said, chewing on the end of his candy.

“For shizzle?!”


“Sha-weet!” Kaehla yelled, into my ear might I add, after walking out to see what the gangster talk was about. I groaned as I watched her take Ray’s candy and run towards the front door.

“See you in a an hour!” she yelled, shoving a Twizzler in her mouth, and then ran out. I laughed and shook my head before walking back into my room and closing the door on Ray. I laughed as he opened it and walked in, pouting. If anything, I was closer to Ray than anyone else, he was pretty much second father to me.

“So, what’d you buy?” he asked, pointing to the pile of bags onto my bed.



“No Ray, I just bought a grip of shoes. Yes, really!”

“Smart ass.” he laughed. I smirked and grabbed a random bag from Pac Sun and opened it and pulled out it’s contents, which was a few tank tops, shirts, skirts, and jeans.

“I might where this tonight.” I said picking out a skirt, a red spandex long sleeve, and a black shirt with random red music notes on it.

“How short is that skirt?” Ray asked, eyeing it.

“Yes, Shaea, how short all your skirts?” my dad asked walking in, drinking a water bottle.

“Short enough to make me look like I’m not a nun and long enough to make me look like I’m not selling sex.” I said and laughed at my dad and Ray’s faltered expressions.

“Look.” I said and stood up, holding the skirt to my waist. It was about 4 and a half inches above my knees. The material was black jean and the bottom part was black lace ruffles.

“I guess that’s good then.” my dad said and Ray nodded.

“Yes, now can I please get ready?”

“Sure, oh but before I forget, I have a surprise for you later tonight.” my dad said.

“Okay, now get out.” I laughed and shoved him and Ray out the door.

“Feisty! Gerard, she is your daughter!” Ray laughed as I closed the door and locked it. I shook my head and laughed. I sat at my mirror that Mikey had nicely put in and did my make-up. All I threw on was some red eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara, and some lip gloss. My hair was already straightened at the top and curled out the tips, but I touched them up and sprayed on hair spray so they wouldn’t fall out. After that, I had changed into my outfit, and put on some black knee length boots. Just as I finished zipping them up, my dad burst through my door, which I had unlocked after changing.

“Shaea, I went all out for this, so you better say I’m the best dad and rock star ever for this.”

“Maybe the best dad....but I don‘t know about rock star.” I laughed, not glancing at him, I was too busy placing my other new clothes in my already full dresser and trying to shove whatever I could in the closet.

“Ah, but you see, I just so happened to call up an old friend, work things out and-”

“Here we are.” I heard another person say, and some laughs, cutting off my dad. I turned around and dropped the shoe box in my hand and gasped.

“Holy Shit! Dad, you’re the best dad and rock star EVER.” I said and jumped in my dads arms, attempting to reach up to kiss his cheek, failing miserably. So I settled for a death grip hug. He laughed and pried me off him and spun me around.

“Bert, Quinn, Dan, Jeph, this is my daughter Shaea.”

“Kind of figured.” Bert laughed and hugged me. My day couldn’t have gotten an better, and I don’t think anything would ruin that now. The other guys hugged me and my dad laughed as I spazzed out.

“Sorry! I’m just-wow!” I shrieked and flushed.

“Get used to it Shaea.” my dad laughed.

“Right sorry, so this was my surprise?”


Nope ?”

“Nu-ugh, now come on, people are here already!” my dad said, and Quinn hauled me over his shoulder.

“Bad idea since the house is most likely filled with more men than woman and I’m wearing a skirt!” I said. Quinn laughed and dropped me on the floor. I laid there and looked at him, pouting.

“So not cool!” I glared and got up. My dad and the rest of The Used just laughed and walked out. I jumped up and shot past them to answer the door bell, ignoring the other guests that were here already. I ripped open the door, and smiled.

“HI HOE!” Kaehla yelled, really loud, and tackled me to the floor, and we landed in an awkward position. She was on top of me, grinning like an idiot, and we were kind of tangled up, my skirt went up a bit no doubt about that. We jus lazily laid there for a few minutes until we heard footsteps approach.

“I like the view.” someone said from the door. I angled myself properly and met familiar blue eyes, ones that I knew too well.

“Holy mother of Johnny Christ, CODY?!” I gasped, pushing Kaehla off me. It had been well over a month and a half since I’ve seen him.

“Shaea, I’ve missed you.” he said and helped me up, embracing me in his arms. I smiled and inhaled his breath taking scent and kissed him.

“Oh my god, how did you get here?”

“You’re dad may have stole your phone when you were sleeping, found my number, called me, and flew me out here.” he said in one breath and smiled slightly.

“Ah, you’re Cody!” Kaehla said, getting up from the ground.

“You must be Kaehla.” he said and shot her one of his amazingfake smiles.

“Yes, hey, let’s go inside and party til’ we’re purple!”

“I love being purple!” I laughed.

“Ah, what?” Cody asked, confused.

“It’s from a cartoon.” I said and he nodded. Cody and I linked hands and we just stood around outside for a bit.

“Hey Kaehla, where are the guys?” I asked.

“They are at my place still, they’ll be her in-now.” she said as they walked up to us.

“Guys I missed you!” I squeaked and jumped into the nearest one’s arms, who happened to be Georg. He laughed and set me down.

“Its only been 6 hours Shaea.” Tom chuckled.

“Well that seems like a year to me, guys this is Cody, this is-”

“Tom, Bill, Gustav and Georg, yeah.” Cody said and nodded. The guys looked him over and took him, making sure he was how I described him, though I did notice something about him.

“Since when did you start wearing loose fitted clothes?” I asked him, instead of his usual skin tight jeans and band tee’s, he had on a regular all white shirt that just barely clung to his chest just a tad and navy blue jeans and instead of vans, he had on Nike’s.

“For a while, I needed a change.” he shrugged.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kaehla and I love saying Johnny Christ a lot,
I had to put it in X]