This Is for Keeps

When did your heart go missing?

“Oh, well, uh, let’s go inside then. Guys, you’re going to finally get to meet my dad!” I said and smiled.

“Finally, jeez.” Gustav laughed and I nudged him.

“Shush, It takes me a while!”

“A month and a half is a long while.”

“Better than a year.”


“Ja, so shut your trap!” I laughed.

Ja?” Cody asked.

“Oh yea duh, sorry. The guys and Kaehla are German, I kind of picked up on their language.”

“She’s a quick learner, surprisingly” Tom smirked.

“It’s because I’m cool.” I smiled back.

“Yea, that’s the reason.” Tom scoffed.

“Shut it Mr. I-Can’t-Walk-No-Longer-Than-Two-Minutes-Without-Pulling-My-Pants-Up.”

“Hey, my pants are loose and comfortable.”

“Not everyone likes to see your boxers Kaulitz.”

“You just want me to throw you in the pool for the hundredth time huh?”

“Oh yes, because I love your muscular arms around my body.”

“Yes, you do.” he grinned. At this point, we all had made it into the living room. Cody looked as if he were to pass out when Dan walked by , nodding at us.

“Was that-”


“Wow.” he said, and we all had finally made it into the kitchen, where my dad was drinking some coke and talking to Frank.

“Dad!” I yelled, and he and Frank jerked their heads in my direction.

“My real dad!” I laughed. And Frank pouted looking down. Frank was really like a second father to me, even if I was closer to Ray. Sometimes, I would just call Frank dad too, just for the hell of it. I looked at the guys and their eyes were about to pop out.

“You got you surprise.” my dad smiled looking at Cody.

“Yea, well, also I wanted to you to meet Tom, Bill, Georg, and Gustav.”

“Oh wait-which one is Tom?”

“Me, sir.” Tom said.

“So you’re the one who likes throwing my girl in the pool.” my dad chuckled.

“It’s what she gets.” Tom laughed. and my dad and frank walked out.

“That was rude.” Cody said.

‘What?” I asked.

“You didn’t introduce me.”

“He already knew you, you’ve talked to him before.”

“On the phone Shaea, not in person.”



“Come on Shaea, quit being rude and lets go do something fun!” Tom grinned and poked me. I poked him back, thus starting a poking war with the elder twin.

“Shaea, quit being five.” Cody said and I glanced at him, as if to say ‘what the fuck?’ Cody and I had always messed around, being immature is what made us connect. I had noticed that everyone in the room got kind of quiet. Defining everyone, I meant us since everyone else was in the living room. I glanced down and cleared my throat.

“Right sorry, I have kind of been a little to immature today anyways. Let’s go to my room.” I said and Kaehla and I lead the way, silently. When we got in, we sprawled out everywhere.

“Jesus Shaea! How much clothes do you own?” Bill asked staring at my over stuffed drawers and closet.

“A lot, the majority is lingerie though,” Kaehla laughed, answering for me.




“Let’s play a game! I’m uber bored.” I said.

“Games, Shaea? Come on, we aren’t seven, and who says ‘uber‘ ?” Cody said.

“You used to love games, and you say it.” I whispered.

“Not anymore.”


“So, Cody, what are you hobbies?” Gustav asked, trying to lighten the mood I suppose.

“Skating.” I said.

“No, not anymore. I surf now, though it‘s none of you buisness” Cody said, rolling his eyes. My mind was going through every single conversation we had in the past two months, and he didn’t mention nothing of change. And trust me, there was a lot of change.

“What the hell is with the attitude Cody?” I snapped, shocking everyone. I wasn’t ever one to get angry, I was a very soft spoken forgiving person most times.

“No attitude babe, I just changed.”

“I fucking noticed that.”

“Watch your mouth, ever since you‘ve moved to America you‘ve changed as well, so quite being hypocritical.”

“I’ve changed Cody? PLEASE enlighten me and tell me how’ve I changed!”

“One, you suddenly have a mouth on you. Two, you’ve become disrespectful. Three, you’re dressing like a whore. And Four, you flirt.” he said. My jaw dropped I shook my head in disbelief and felt the blood rush up to my face, anger was boling inside me, I was not letting him talk to me like that,
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Title by Rooney.