Misery Business


I woke up like I did every mourning and pushed the covers off myself. I stayed lying for a moment before the cold hit me and then I was forced to get out of my bed. I grabbed some fresh new clothes and headed for the shower in my room. When I was finished in the shower I quickly brushed my teeth and dryed my hair before heading to class. I locked my dorm and I pulled the straps of my bag over my shoulders. I continued walking down the hallway when I felt someone tip my shoulders. I turned around to see Elodie standing behind me.

Elodie is one of my best friends. She is always so cheerful and friendly. She has lovely long blonde hair with brown racoon prints in her hair. My best friends are Elodie, Sam and Candice. They are all so different and unique and that's why I love them. "Hey Malva!" she smiled as she waved. "Oh hey Elodie!" I replied tiredly as I rubbed my eyes.

"Are you okay Malva?" she asked in her sweet voice. I nodded "yeah, just tired. Come on we better get to class!" I replied. We walked down the hallway chatting about last Saturday. Last Saturday Sam had a kick ass party and no one could stop talking about it.

When we arrived at the our classroom we entered and took our seats. Candice and Sam sat beside us. "I didn't realize my party was going to be such a hit!" Sam giggled. "It was awesome!" I replied. Our first class was just to practice using our powers. Elodie practiced her fire powers.She had to practice controling her fire. Sam practiced her telekinesis power,which is the ability to control or manioulate objects with her mind. Candice practiced her Omni Linguism power which is the power to understand any other language and I practiced my sonic scream power but people complained so I had to leave the room.

We all had two powers but some could not be used at this present moment so we had to practice some of other ones a different time. We all tried our very best with our powes but sometimes it can take years to get complete control of your powers and that's why we still go to school. We all loved being different but some people in our school did not and I began to grow worried that this may cause problems in the future.
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Very short chapter but tell me if you liked the idea.