Always Searching


We arrived at my aunt and uncles house several hours later and Joe's last words kept playing in my head.

It would of only taking two seconds to say goodbye

He doesn't know how hard it is for me to even looking at him, knowing it might be that last time. He just doesn't get it.

I was slowly putting clothes into my dresser and setting up my room as I'd want it.

I heard a knock on the door and walked over to it opening it. Mason and some other boy around our age was standing behind him. He had brown hair, several tattoos and piercing's. He was awkwardly handsome.

"Hey Bella, are you okay?' Mason asked me wiping something off my cheek. They were wet and I didn't even realize it.

"Just alot of things." I said and moved out of the doorway so they could follow. I went back to my bed and put my suitcase on the floor so they could sit down on it. "Sit." I said and patted it.

Mason nodded and looked back at his friend who sat next to him on my bed. "Bella, this is Trace, Trace this is my cousin Bella."

"Hey" he smiled and stuck out his hand. I smiled and took it in my own and shook it.

"Hello.' I spoke softly yet clear. "So whats up?' I asked as they looked around my room.

"Nothing really, we wanted to know if you wanted to do something?" Mason asked.

"Like what?" I asked as I watched Trace's eyes that kept exploring my room and landed on mine.

He smiled and I blushed slightly yet smiled at him.

"Want to get some ice cream and shop?" he asked.

I nodded and stood up and walked over to grab my purse and my sneakers. "Ready?"

They nodded and stood up with me as we walked out of my room and towards Trace's car.

We went to a strip of stores and restaurant and Trace parked the car in an available spot alongside the road, in front of a coldstone.

We got out and went into Coldstone first. "So what do you want Bella?" Trace asked me as Mason was placing his order.

I looked up at him then back at the choices and shrugged. "I don't know whats good?"

"Chocolate with brownie pieces." he said like a little kid. I laughed and nodded my head.

"I'll get that." he smiled at me and turned to the girl behind the counter.

"Two cups of Chocolate with brownie pieces for us." he said and pointed to me. The girl turned to me and I smiled as she nodded and began to make the ice cream.

"That's $7.45" she said. I pulled out my wallet but Trace already pulled out a ten.

"I could pay for myself." He shook his head and grabbed his change and the to ice cream cups and handed me one.

"Nope, its on me."

I smiled and grabbed the cup and took at bit out of it.


I nodded. "Thank You."

"Anything for you." he smiled and looked away as I blushed.
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