Always Searching

Once Upon a Broken Heart



She has fucking cancer and she tells me she cant give me forever. Why did I ever let her walk out of my life. I want her. I need her.

Even if it isn't forever. I would be happy just with the amount of time I have left. It's all I need.

I took a deep breath and walked back to the green room. I could hear her crying and everyone was trying to calm her down.

"Bells, hes just shocked, hes not mad at you." Kevin told her.

"No he's not, he hates me." she said.

No I don't. Bella I love you. Gosh! Why cant I just that to her. Oh I know. I was the ass that didn't believe her over Jason. Which about a month after she left I found out Jason really did kiss her and she didn't want it.

"Bella he still loves you." Mandy told her.

"I still love him too." I smiled as she said that and slowly opened the door.

She looked up at me before barring her head into Kevin's chest. Kevin rubbed her back and looked up at me giving me a sympathetic look.

"Bella are you okay?" My shoulder was pushed slightly as Trace came into the room and walk over to her, Mason in tow.

"I don't feel good." she said. He nodded and grabbed her hand.

"I think we should go." Mason said. Miley nodded and hugged Nick goodbye before grabbing Bella's other hand.

"Bye guys bye Mandy." she spoke softly to them.

"Bye Bella, call me please." Nick said, she nodded and left the room, giving me a small smile. I smiled at her to and mouthed 'I love you'. But it didn't matter she was already out the door.

Mom and Dad came in about five minutes after they left with big smiles on their faces. Creating a much different atmosphere in here than before.

"Good news boys." she said while sitting down next to Kevin. The couch probably still had Bella's heat in it. "Where moving out here to California next week when the tour is over. The best part is that The Parkers are going to be our neighbors again." she said.

I had to smile at this news. It just makes me one step closer to being with Bella again.

♠ ♠ ♠
Five comments and I'll post again today:D

♪I woke up and fell into this dream
Happily ever after just took time
Once upon this broken heart of mine♫