Always Searching

I'm Only Me When I'm With You


I looked down at the guitar as they all looked at me with amusement trying to find the right words to say.


I looked up at Nick as he weakly smiled at me. "I um wrote that a day or two after I got here." I mumbled.

He nodded and looked over at Joe. I turned my head to face him. He was staring at nothing in practically on the floor.


Two months ago Joe was always smiling and never had a frown. But now, thats all I ever see him wear. And its all my fault.


"Hey guys" I looked up and saw Miley, Trace, and Mason walk in.

"Hey" Nick smiled and hugged Miley. Seriously they are so cute together.

"Bella you okay?" Trace asked wiping a tear from my cheek.

"Yeah." I said and looked at Joe. He moved his eyes from the floor and narrowed them at Trace's back.

"Good. A beautiful girl, like you, shouldn't be crying." he said and kissed my cheek.

"Thank You" I muttered. I smiled at Joe who just nodded and stood up.

"I'll be right back." he announced. He pecked me on my lips before heading up the stairs.

Trace watched him walk up stairs before he looked back at me. "Sorry." I mumbled.

He gave me a confused look."Why are you sorry?"

I shrugged. "Joe thought we were dating."

He nodded and shrugged. "I suppose we kinda acted like it but to tell you the truth, your like another Miley to me."

I laughed softly and nodded "And your like another Mason to me. But brotherly of course."

"Of course." he sighed with a small laugh. "Maybe you should go check on him."

I nodded. "Thanks Trace, your the best"

"You know it" he laughed as I walked upstairs.

I tried to remember the way Joe lead me up last time thinking he was in his room.

I found the stair case and walked up them. I could hear a soft voice being muffled behind one of the doors.

I opened the one I was sure Joe brought me in last time and the voice was being heard from the other side.

I knocked softly but no one answered. I opened it slowly and realized it was the room Joe dragged me off to earlier.

The voice stopped but I closed the door behind me thinking maybe I was just hearing things.

I looked around the blue walled room. It was identically to his back in New Jersey, the same posters were up on the wall. The same stereo but it was more decked out with an added IPOD dock and a new IPOD placed in it.

I smiled at the room and looked around and stopped as my eye caught something on the table beside the bed.

I walked over to it, sitting on the bed as I grabbed the picture off the stand.

It was a picture of me and Joe at a fair. I brought my camera with me and we were on the Ferris Wheel.

"Thats was right after our first kiss." I looked away from the picture and up at Joe, who startled me.

I smiled and looked back at the picture tracing our faces with my index finger.

I felt the bed sink in next to me and Joe placed his hand on my knee. "Do you remember?" I nodded.


"Yeah Joe?" I asked as I threw my funnel cake plate in the trash.

"How about we go on the Ferris Wheel." he said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the line.

"No no no!" I said as I was dragged over there. I was deathly afraid of heights.

"Please Bella." Joe pouted.

"Joseph you know how much I hate that pout" I whined.

He smirked. "Then we're going?"

I sighed in defeat and nodded. "But there will be no swing the seat Joe, or looking over. If I feel that seat rock I'm going to slap you."

He frowned mumbling something. "Fine." he said as we took our seat on the Ferris Wheel.

I was shaking as the wheel began to move us higher above the fair. "Here." Joe said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and rested my head on his chest.

"Thank you for tonight." I whispered closing my eyes.

"No problem." he said and I felt him kiss my forehead. I looked up and smiled at him. I saw his eyes trail to my lips then back to my eyes. "can I kiss you?" he whispered as he lips hovered over my own.

I nodded, speechless from his hot breath intoxicating my senses. The kiss was sweet and perfect, just like Joe.

He pulled away staring at my eyes with a smile on his face. I blushed and placed my head back on his chest. He rubbed my shoulder as the wheel began to move again placing us directly on top.

I gulped as the forced rocked us back a little. "Its okay." I nodded. "Why don't we take a picture?"

"Yeah." I smiled and pulled my camera out from my bag. "Here you take it." I said and handed him the camera.

He held it out in front of us as we smiled into the picture and at the last second I turned my face to kiss Joe's cheek.

I laughed at the memory. "Your face looks funny."

He scoffed playful and rolled his eyes. "Yours would of to if I'd did a seek attack kiss on you."

"Real-" I was cut off by Joe's lips. It was a quick peck that I didn't have anytime to react. He pulled away with a smirk on his face.

"Yes really."

I shook my head at him. "I cant believe you still have this." I muttered.

"Never put it away." he stated.

I looked at him in awe. "never?"

♠ ♠ ♠

AWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS tRACE TELLING THE TRUTH???? =O???

♪Just a small-town boy and girl
Living in the crazy world
Trying to figure out what is and isn't true
And I don't try to hide my tears
My secrets or my deepest fears
Through it all nobody gets me like you do