Always Searching

Wake Up Call

I feel like a hero and you are my heroine, Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?

I huffed as I lazily picked up my cellphone. I looked at the time and it read six a.m. "Ugh" I mumbled as turned on my phone.



"Its six in the morning." I said and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Why yes. Yes it is." he said in a cheery tone. Way to cheery for six.


"Yes?" He asked confused.

"Its six in the morning." I repeated.

He laughed. I moaned as his voice woke me up even more. "Silly, we already went through that."


He sighed. "If you say its six again, I'll come over to your house and slap you."

"Its six o' five in the morning." i smiled " What could you possible want?"

He laughed. Again with the laughing. "Boys like Girls concert." He yelled.


"Nicky sweetie. Thats at six." I paused. "AT NIGHT!" I yelled into the phone. "Why am I being woken up now?"

"Whoa, someone took there bitch pill." he snorted.

"Asshole" I mumbled.

"What was that Isabella Louise Parker?" he asked me sounding like my mother.

"Nothing mommy." I pouted even though he couldn't see me.

He laughed. "So what do you want?"

I slapped myself in the head. "You called me Nicky! So don't ask me what I want." I yelled at him.

"Isabella keep it down, its six o'clock." I heard my mom yell up the stairs

No kidding. "Okay Mom." I yelled "Nicky can I go back to sleep."

"No I'm bored."

I sighed. "I'll be over in 10 minutes."

"Thats my girl" I could see the smirk playing on his face.

"Thats my girl." I mocked as I got changed.

"Don't be mean or I'll hang up on you."

"No don't. I'll get lonely" I pouted. I said as I began to walk down the street towards his house.

"Stop pouting" he told me.

"Thats creepy. How do you know I'm pouting?"I asked curiously

"Babe, I'm your best friend." He stated matter-of-factly. I heard someone talking in the background. "Yeah it is."

"Yeah what is?"

"Oh sorry. Kevin asked if I was talking to you. And I said I was." he told me laughing a little.

"Hey Nicky?"

"Yes dear?"

"Can you open your door."

"Righto." He said and the line went dead. I frowned as he swung open the door at the same time saying "Stop pouting."

I smiled and ran into his arms knocking him over. "Nicky!" I squealed. He laughed and patted my head. "So what are we doing?" I asked still on top of him.

"Thats awkward." I heard a voice say. I looked up and say Kevin leaning against the door frame of the Living room.

"Kevin" I squealed and ran into him like I did Nick. But he didn't fall over since his back was against the frame.

"Its like she hasn't seen us in years." Kevin said I pulled away from him. Nick agreed and I glared at them. "Aw stop that." Kevin ordered. "Its only been like eight hours." he said looking at his watch.

I laughed as Nick began to walk up the stairs yawning. "Where are you going Nicholas?"

"Back to bed." He said smirking at me.

I glared at him. "Why did you wake me up then!"

He shrugged. "Like I said I was bored."

"And your not now?" He nodded and began to walk back upstairs. "I strongly dislike you Nicky." I spat at him. I was never able to say the word hate to people. Its like its not in my vocabulary or something.

He laughed and I heard his door shut. "Dick." I muttered under my breath. I looked over at Kevin and smiled. "Kevy!"

He laughed. "Oh no. I have to go take Frankie somewhere, since the parents aren't here."

"But, but" I said and pouted. "What can I do?"

"I don't know. Either annoy Nick or go wake up your boy."

"Good idea Kevy." I said and kissed his cheek as I began to climb the stairs.

"Which one?" he asked.

I turned around and smiled. "Both. I'm thinking I'll throw water on Nick and then run into Joe's room." I smiled devilish. "Your so smart Kevy. Why didn't the other two get any?"

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

I turned to go back upstairs and walked into the bathroom. I filled a cup with water and walked over to Nicks bedroom. I saw he was already sleeping. I smiled wickedly before I dumped the water on him and booked it to Joe's room screaming "Joe did it."

I could hear Kevin laughing downstairs and I quickly shut and locked Joe's door.

"What did I do?"

I turned around and saw him sitting up scratching the back of his head as he yawned.

"Nothing." I smiled and laid down next to him.

He smiled and bent over to kiss me. He looked at his clock then back at me.

"Its not even seven why are you here or up for that matter?"

"Its was-"

"Isabella Louise Parker! Get out here now!" I heard Nick yell from the other side of Joe's door. He banged on it and kept yelling my name.

I laughed and looked up at Joe he was smirking at me. "What did you do?"

"Would you believe me if I said nothing?"

He thought about for a second before he looked back at me "No."

I gasped. "And why not I'm your girlfriend."

"Right." he said and kissed my nose. "My sly, mischievous, tiny girlfriend." He said and kissed my nose again.

I snorted. "I'm not tiny."

He rolled his eyes "Your 5'1 and you weigh 96"

"97" I corrected him. I hate being told I'm smaller than I am, because it usually followed with you should eat more. Blah Blah Blah.

"My bad 97 pounds" I smiled and kissed him. "Now what did you do?"

"I may of accidentally threw water on him" I said like a seven year old. I was twiddling my thumbs and pouting.

"Warm or cold?"

"uh cold"

"Thats my girl." He said and locked his lips with mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
_Comment Please!_it will make my day.

Its kinda slow right now but I have to say a couple of things before I get to the main part, which will start right after the concert which is the next chapter C=

X to the O
