Always Searching

Forever & Always

When I woke up today my body was aching and weak. The covers were off me, from my over heating body while I slept.

I sat up and immediately laid back down as my head began to spin. I sat up slower and walked slowly to the bathroom. I took some medicine and step into the shower.

If it was any other day I wouldn't even bother but today was Christmas and we were having the Cyrus's and the Jonas's over.

Which means I wouldn't be able to hide out all day and I had to put on an act for Joe, so he wont freak out.

I step out of the shower and felt a little better than I was earlier.
I pulled on my Christmas outfit and applied my make-up.

I brushed my brown wig before I placed it on top of my head. I left it down and straightened the little bumps it made.

I was looking at myself in the mirror when there was a knock at my door. "It's open." I said as I flatted out a wrinkle in my dress.


I turned around and saw Trace. "Hey."

"You look pretty." he stated. I smiled at him and thanked him. I sat on my bed as he stayed by the door.

"You can sit." he laughed and shook his head. "Then what's up?"

"I have a present for you?" he stated.

I smiled and walked up to him. "Were opening presents up later."

"Yeah, well see the thing is you get your present now." he said as he slowly creaked open the door. "Since they're going to be joining us for Christmas."

I cocked an eyebrow at him as he slowly opened the door. My mouth dropped as I saw four boys standing out in the hallway.

"Your...your..your" I screamed as the four boys laughed at me. Trace shook his head and I heard people running up the stairs.

"Bella?" I heard Joe's voice calling for me. I looked at the four boys who were now in my room looking around. I was still stuttering the word 'your.' "You okay baby?" Joe asked grabbing my hand.

"Their their" I said pointing to the boys.

"Bella?" I looked over at Nick and Kevin who just walked in. "Is there a reason why Boys Like Girls are in your bedroom?" Nick asked.

"Trace...their my Christmas present." I squealed and jumped into Trace's arms. "Your the fucking best!"

He laughed and kissed my forehead. "Anything for you." I smiled and went over to Joe.

"Joey!!!!" I squealed. He laughed and pulled me into his arms. "Paul is in my room oh god oh god."

Paul laughed and came over by me. "Merry Christmas Bella" he gave me a kiss on the cheek as did the other three members.

I put my hand on my cheek and blushed. Joe scoffed and kissed my lips. I was in a daze till a second after I felt his lips on mine, then it was all about Joe.

"Lets leave the lovebirds alone." I think Trace said.

I heard my door shut and Joe broke away. He pecked me again and pulled me to my bed. "Merry Christmas Bells." he said and kissed my neck.

I laughed and kissed his lips again before I rested my forehead on his. "I love you."

He smiled and rubbed my arms bringing us closer. "I love you too." He pulled away a little and took a small box shaped present from his pocket. "Here, I want to give it to you now."

I smiled and took the present from him. I riped the paper open and was met with a small black box. I opened the box and gasped at the present.

It looked like the same ring Joe gave me so many months ago only it had a different saying on it.

Forever & Always-JJ&BP

I smiled as I placed it on my finger. "This time I don't want it back." he whispered as I kissed his lips.

"What happened to the other one?" I asked looking into his eyes.

He smiled and pulled on a chain around his neck. "it will forever be right here." he stated.

I smiled at the chain with the ring around it. "Good, cause your not aloud to take it off."

He smiled and placed the chain back under his shirt. "Forever Bella"

"Forever Joe."

And in the short bit of time I forget all about not feeling good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment????? Almost the end!!!!!! D'=

♫Forget about the shit that we've been through,
I wanna stay here forever and always
Standing here in front of all of you,
I wanna stay here forever and always